Too many political activists underestimate the importance of PR
campaigns to their causes, or imagine the media doesn't provide
favorable coverage because they are biased against them. Yes, there is
some bias, but the main bias is against anyone who does not provide them
a steady stream of press releases that can be published as articles with
little change. Media journalists are lazy and if something comes in they
can put out without a lot of work they will tend to favor that.

Journalists, like most people, generally don't adopt new things the
first time they encounter them. If you hit them with something
unfamiliar it will probably be ignored unless it comes from some
familiar source. Building familiarity with the points you want to get
across takes time and a lot of repeated presentations, using many
different ways of saying the same thing.

Even PR professionals know they are doing well if one out of a thousand
of their press releases get printed, and a publication rate of more than
one out of a hundred is only for celebrities or the government. On the
other hand, almost everything that gets published is someone's press
release. Most of what passes for "news" is really a kind of advertising.
It is not perhaps of a product or service, but it is of a way of
thinking that is favorable to those doing the marketing of that way of
thinking. Whenever you receive a "news" report ask yourself what the
writer of it is trying to sell. When you can answer that question for
everything that comes to you, then you will have a better insight into
the way marketing shapes public discourse, and why it is so expensive in
time and money.

Press releases can also counter opposing press releases. If the media
only get press releases from one side, they are liable to report that
side as though it is the only side, because from their perception it is.
Counter that stream from the other side with press releases that call
the opposition points into question and the media may hold off on
publishing either until they can look into it further, which they may
never get around to doing, Or they may weave your points into the
oppositions points within the same articles, which can largely defuse
what the opposition is trying to sell.

Almost all large organizations, especially the government, have large PR
operations, which are often broken out into departments, some of the
smaller of which may have only one designated PR person, whose job is to
feed the media. When I was in the Air Force one of my "additional
duties" was Public Information Officer of my 60-man detachment. I had
the use of one NCO to do much of the staffwork. We put out at least two
press releases a week, mostly news of what our men were doing, mostly to
their home town newsmedia. If they contained photographs, those
photographs were reviewed by an office that would "scrub" them of
anything that might make us look bad, such as beer cans in the frame,
usually with a delay of only a day. (Never believe a photo, audio, or
video recording -- they can all be fabricated.)

Whatever your cause, if you aren't putting out at least one well-written
press release a week, you will never make any headway. Having convincing
facts and arguments is useless if you don't propagate them, not just to
people who already agree with you, but to the world at large.

It also helps to schmooze with journalists. Phone them. Visit them. Take
them out to lunch. Invite them to things. Take them on tours. Find out
what they need and give it to them, with your spin, of course. There is
no substitute for for personal contact, which can provide you with
valuable insight on how to frame your message.

Finally, if you are justifiably concerned about persecution, realize
that you may be a much less attractive target if you have a
professional-quality PR operation. Our opposition tends to like to pick
on weak, unattractive people who don't know how to put out their
message. Few things cause them more pause than the prospect of
unfavorable publicity. Keep that uppermost in your mind.


Constitution Society     
2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322              Austin, TX 78757

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