A Declaration of Intent 
500 words require that I be very clear and to the point about my motivations 
for seeking the LNC Chair. This article, with supporting links, can be found on 
The renaissance of libertarian philosophy has produced the hoped for revolution 
in the minds of America ’s youth, and libertarianism has reentered American 
In the past, the LPUS served as a ‘Liberty Nexus’ for those that chose to 
embrace the principled libertarian philosophy that advocated for individual 
rights, peace, freedom and tolerance. However, soon after making new alliances 
with others of the same mind inside the LPUS, it is often clear to many of the 
most passionate libertarian minds that their efforts are more productive 
outside the LPUS. This revolving door effect has produced more libertarians 
outside of the National Party than inside. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 
But for the LPUS to be relevant to human freedom we must understand what is 
happening and be of service to the individuals that are the change we seek. 
Many tools provide immediate peer to peer communication and coordination with 
local LP groups. But the LPUS’ inaction is often perceived as being an 
impediment to these communications and the accompanying networking of 
libertarians that results when we are politically active. 
Often it is only the LPUS that has the standing to Challenge the Idolization of 
an all powerful all knowing Federal Government, but the perception is that the 
LPUS is not a challenge to the tyranny America increasingly suffers. 
Fear of criticism has eliminated the LPUS from consideration as a front line 
ally in the quest for liberty. 20 years of Hard Core No-Compromise libertarian 
activism hasn’t kept me incarcerated, targeted and removed from relevance in 
the world of politics, in fact, it has had just the opposite effect. Fearless 
advocacy of libertarian philosophy is exactly what is missing from the LPUS. 
My goal is to make it perfectly clear to the world that the LPUS in Convention 
made a very clear choice to join the peaceful revolution against the Omnipotent 
State . Any attempt to negotiate for a place inside this corrupt and 
illegitimate abuser of human rights on their terms is a clear sign of fear and 
weakness to those possessing the passion and talent to work for individual 
Vote percentages, money raised, laws passed, media coverage, inspired 
activists,… are all side effects of a clear standard set and advocated for in 
freeing as many minds as possible with the truth. 
Peace over War, Truth not Lies, Courage trumping Fear, Resolve instead of 
Compromise, Inspiration vs Compulsion, Self-Reliance not Dependence, Tolerance 
over Bigotry, and above all, the advocacy of Love. 
I offer nothing less than participation in a worldwide LOVEolution. The LPUS 
has the opportunity to influence the greatest decentralization of power in 
Human History, but we must first lead by example and be of service to the 
individual activists advocating libertarian philosophy,… if not, then why would 
they need us? 
Ernest Hancock

Comments anyone?


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