See person 25!
Source: _Chuck  Baldwin_ (  © 2010 Truth is 
_Click here: Southern Poverty Law  Center Publishes Patriot Hit List - 
Truth is Treason_ (http://about:blank)  
In a report on its web site dated April 2010, entitled “ 
Meet The Patriots,” the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) profiled “36  
individuals at the heart of the resurgent [patriot] movement.” (In reading 
the  list, I counted only 35 “patriots” and 5 “enablers” for a total of 40. I
’m not  really sure how the SPLC came up with “36.” Perhaps their ability 
to count is  commensurate with their ability to appreciate patriotism and 
liberty.) The SPLC  (founded by Morris Dees) sees itself as America’s guardian 
against “right wing  militias” and loves to label conservatives and 
libertarians that it doesn’t like  as “extremists.” The SPLC is one of the most 
ultra-liberal organizations in the  country and should be dismissed as a 
group of paranoid leftists, not worthy of  thought or mention. 
The sad truth is, however, our federal government has chosen to exalt the  
SPLC to the position of being its “go to” source for information regarding  
“potential domestic terrorists” and similar characterizations. As a 
result, the  information and reports disseminated by SPLC wind up in police 
reports and  bulletins all over the United States. As an example, the SPLC had 
 fingerprints all over the infamous MIAC report. One could even question 
whether  the SPLC is merely a front organization for Big Brother. 
Therefore, it is highly likely that the report negatively profiling 40  
American patriots will find its way into Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  
fusion centers and be distributed to police agencies all across the 
country. So,  should the 40 people who find themselves targeted by SPLC expect 
kind of  government/police attention? Are we really that close to 
Nazi-style persecution  in America? If the SPLC has its way, the answer seems 
to be a 
definite yes. 
I remind readers that in the book, Nazi Justiz: Law of the Holocaust (page  
3), there were five steps to Hitler’s plans for the destruction of European 
 Jews. Step 1: Identification/registration of the targeted group as a 
public  menace. Step 2: Ostracism of the targeted persons. Step 3: property  
confiscation. Step 4: Concentration of members into geographical locations. 
 5: Annihilation. In this latest report, SPLC seems quite willing to 
accomplish  steps 1 and 2. 
Here are the 40 names that are targeted in the SPLC report (and guess who 
is  listed at the very top? Your’s truly): 
1. Chuck Baldwin, Pastor, Radio Broadcaster, Syndicated  Columnist, 2008 
Constitution Party Presidential nominee. 
2. Joe Banister, former IRS special agent,  tax protester. 
3. Martin “Red” Beckman, tax protester 
4. Catherine Bleish, head of the Liberty Restoration  Project. 
5. Chris Broughton, Second Amendment advocate, member of “We  The People” 
6. Bob Campbell, head of American Grand Jury. 
7. Robert Crooks, Army veteran, retired commercial  fisherman, anti-illegal 
immigration proponent. 
8. Joseph Farah, CEO of World Net Daily 
9. Gary Franchi, producer of “Camp FEMA: American Lockdown,”  national 
director of 
10. Al Garza, head of the Patriot’s Coalition, an  anti-illegal immigration 
11. Ted Gunderson, retired FBI agent. 
12. John Hassey, “The public face of Alabama’s militia  movement in the 
late 1990s,” says SPLC. 
13. Alex Jones, Radio Talk Show host. 
14. Devvy Kidd, “prolific columnist, blogger, and public  speaker.” 
15. Larry Kilgore, telecommunications consultant, former  US Senate 
candidate from Texas, pro-secession advocate. 
16. Cliff Kincaid, syndicated columnist and author, editor  of AIM Report 
(Accuracy in Media’s publication), founder and president of  America’s 
Survival, Inc., a UN watchdog group. 
17. Mark Koernke, associated with the now-defunct Michigan  Militia. 
18. Richard Mack, former Graham County, Arizona,  Sheriff, author, and 
public speaker. 
19. Jack McLamb, former Phoenix, Arizona, police  officer, author, and 
public speaker. 
20. John McManus, former member of the US Marine  Corps, president of the 
John Birch Society. 
21. Daniel New, father of Michael New (the Army  medic who refused to wear 
a UN uniform), author, public speaker. 
22. Norm Olson, founder of the now-defunct Michigan  Militia. 
23. Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of  America. 
24. Stewart Rhodes, Army veteran and  Yale Law School graduate, founder of 
Oath Keepers. 
25. Jon Roland, computer specialist, founder of  the Constitution Society. 
26. Luke Rudkowski, founder We Are  Change. 
27. Robert “Bob” Schultz, founder of We The  People. 
28. Joel Skousen, editor, World Affairs Brief. 
29. Jim Stachowiak, Radio Talk Show host, “Longtime militia  organizer,” 
claims SPLC. 
30. John Stadtmiller, founder, Republic Broadcasting  Network. 
31. Orly Taitz, California attorney, a leader in the push to  make 
President Obama disclose his US birth certificate. 
32. Amanda Teegarden, executive director of  Oklahomans for Sovereignty and 
Free Enterprise. 
33. Mike Vanderboegh, anti-Obama health care activist. 
34. Paul Venable, former candidate for the Idaho  House of Representatives. 
35. Edwin Vieira, Jr., attorney, author, proponent of  constitutional State 
militias, lecturer. 
36. Michele Bachmann, US Representative  from Minnesota. 
37. Glenn Beck, Fox News Channel TV host. – (Really!? It’s  all an act! He 
plays up the part of “fringe right-winger” although very  conservatively) 
38. Paul Broun, medical doctor, US  Representative from Georgia. 
39. Andrew Napolitano, attorney, former State  judge in New Jersey, Fox 
News Channel legal analyist, lecturer. 
40. Ron Paul, former member of the US Air  Force, medical doctor, US  
Representative from Texas, 2008 Republican candidate for  President. 
——- Click Here to See the _SPLC report _ 
The SPLC, no doubt, sees each person on the above list as being a leader of 
 the “radical right,” a “conspiracist,” and “antigovernment.” But 
understand, the  SPLC makes its living off of big-government, leftist ideology. 
say it is a  shill for Big Government Liberalism is an understatement. The 
SPLC is so radical  it makes the ACLU look conservative!

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