_Forward-to-a-Friend  _ 
(      _Alex on the issues_ 
destination=    _Campaign Downloads_ 
5&destination=     _Volunteer_ 

On the  Road to Victory!!!!!!

We are at a important point in this campaign. We are starting to get  some 
real name recognition across the state, but many third party  candidates 
have reached this point and never got through to the next  level. Remember Ross 
Perot? I would be willing to bet many of my  supporters remember him very 
well. I am sure the majority would of voted  for him but did not because of 
the Split the vote issue. What if we can  take the argument away?
We need to show and grow our  numbers.
The problem in the past with 3rd party candidates is simple. There  was no 
effective low cost way to get the word out quickly on demand and  empower 
the individual to assist in a way that is not staff intensive.  There was also 
no effective way to show their support. We now have the  ability to 
accomplish this. THE INTERNET. A candidate can get the message  out at little 
with the your help. We can WIN but we need the ability  to communicate 
quickly to millions without the main stream media. We have  gotten to 4% in the 
polls with little media attention. That is only 26%  away from victory. This 
is an attainable number with over 3 months  remaining. If we can pull 8% 
from Crist, 8% from Rubio, 5% from Meek and  7% of the undecided and we WIN.  

That's why these next 3  months will be the most important. We will need 
maximum effort from  everyone involved with this campaign. We also need to 
grow our numbers of  volunteers. We have those opportunities but must take 
advantage of them.  

Here is the Action Plan. 
1. Personally sign up 550 people to my facebook fan  page 
_  _ 
2. Personally sign up 550 people to my E-Mail  newsletter at 
_www.snitker2010.com_ (
3. Personally Find 100 people to donate $10  dollars.
4. Recruit 10 volunteers to the  campaign. 

5. Ask those individuals to repeat steps 1-4 in the Action  Plan.  
6. Email _market...@snitker2010.com_ (  
and  give your written endorsement and we will post it on the  website or Post 
an endorsement video on Youtube and E-Mail _market...@snitker2010.com_ 
(  with  the file and we will post it on our 
you tube account.
The following tools are  available
1. Downloads on my website _ 
tion=   , 
2. Contact the regional coordinator for supplies or E-Mail 
   and find out who your regional coordinator 
3. Forward and print this E-Mail.  

5 easy steps to reach the goal of 550  people.  

1. Print out 25 email sign up forms 

2. Print out 200 Flyers 
3.  Call everyone you know and ask them for their name and  email address 
and let them know that they will receive a automatic message  from my 
campaign asking them to sign up for the newsletter. Once they  agree there will 
an auto-responder thanking them for signing up. 
4. Walk your neighborhood, Bring the E-Mail sign up  forms and Flyers with 
you asking your neighbors for their name and email  address in order to sign 
up for the newsletter. 
5. Log onto and load the email addresses you gather.  

4 events in the next 3 months that will need  maximum attendance.
1. The Florida Summit in Orlando, Florida August  13th through August 15th 
2010. _ 
(This will not only be an effective volunteer recruiting event it  will 
also provide you with extensive training to maximize your performance  within 
the campaign. This will be some first class training with like  minded 
individuals. I cannot stress the importance of attendance to this  event)
2.The Florida 10th Amendment Summit in Orlando,  Florida on October 10th 
2010. _ 
(  (This will also be a great  opportunity to not only 
recruit more volunteers but really bring us all  together weeks before the 
3. The U.S. Senate debate  at Nova Southeastern University in Broward 
County on Oct. 19.  This will broadcast all over the state and the national 
will be  watching. We must bring thousands to attend if they allow us in 
the  debates or not. If refused we do have a plan that will help ensure media  
attention in a positive way and steal the show from the competition.  
4. Stand outside your polling precinct with a Snitker Sign on  Nov 2nd 
2010. Log onto _ 
estination=   so 
that you have all the information needed to make sure we WIN this  election 
There are more events going on from now until election day. Log onto to see times and dates. Make sure to check weekly to  find 
out if any are in your area.  

Campaign Contact  Information

EVENTS: John Conrad is the events coordinator. If  you know of any events 
that the campaign should know about E-Mail him @ _eve...@snitker2010.com_ 
VOLUNTEERS: Beverly Baker is the Volunteer  coordinator. If you want to 
volunteer or have any questions about the  network of volunteers email her @  _ ( 

MEDIA DIRECTOR: Adrian Wyllie is the media  director. If there is any media 
outlets that you want to make us aware  contact him @ 
_awyl...@snitker2010.com_ ( 

CAMPAIGN  MANAGER: Kelley Lobean is the overall campaign manager. If you  
have any questions about the campaign please email her @ 
_campaignmana...@snitker2010.com_ ( 

In Liberty,
Alexander Snitker
Libertarian U.S. Senate  candidate, Florida

 Stay Connected:
Please help us spread the Libertarian message by  clicking on the forward 
to a friend link.  Thank you!
_Forward-to-a-Friend  _ 

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