George Phillies for President 2008


*January 22, 2008*

*Phillies: On Maintaining Personal Privacy*

Today is the 35th Anniversary of the Supreme Court's finding in Roe v Wade.
By a seven-to-two majority, the Supreme Court found that Texas laws
regarding abortion were unconstitutional.  The Court noted a
variety of valid grounds for their decision: "This right of privacy, whether
it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and
restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the
District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to
the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not
to terminate her pregnancy."

Americans properly celebrate this removal of government intervention from
their private lives.  "While the decision is actually weaker than many hope
or fear," Phillies wrote, "it protects the consciences of all Americans.  A
government that claims the right to control abortions has claimed the right
to mandate abortions, for example in cases where an infant would be
profoundly malformed and end up as a ward of the state.  Only the
Libertarian position *government should have no role in this matter*
guarantees that every American can act as their conscience dictates."

Phillies condemned reactionary Republican proposals that the abortion
question was or should be made a matter of so-called 'states' rights'. "As
the law now stands, the abortion question is a right reserved to the
people.  'The people' is of course the people as individuals, the same
people whose freedoms to assemble peaceably and to own firearms are
protected by the First and Second Amendments.  When you hear a Republican
calling for making abortion a state issue, you are hearing a Republican call
to expand government, because at this time states are forbidden to ban

Phillies castigated allegedly 'libertarian' Republicans who voted that
servicewomen overseas may not have abortions in military hospitals, even if
they pay with their own money.  "The 'exception' in the law protects a
woman's life, but not her health.  A servicewoman who would end up crippled
or sterile without an abortion is told by Congress that this should be her
fate. Usually 'no medical care except from government' is the position of
socialist extremists who want to destroy private medical care.  Here is the
socialist extremist position, advocated by the Republicans."

"Once again, Government intervention in your private life can make things
worse for you.  Possibly much worse." Phillies concluded.

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*Contact Information: *

Carolyn Marbry, Press Director
(510) 276-3216

*George Phillies for President 2008                                  *

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