--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory M. Gauthier"
> It is at this point that people generally throw up their arms and
> dismiss the idea of DROs by claiming that society would descend into
> civil war within a few days. 
> Everyone, of course, realizes that civil war is a rather bad
> situation, and so it seems likely that the DROs would consider
> alternatives to armed combat.

Why?  History has shown that humans as they constitute every region we
are aware of have never been so eager to avoid Civil War.  Of course,
you can posit that everyone is an "Anarchist Of Good Will" who will
take the non-violent course ("The No-Rogue State")... but in that case
it doesn't matter what kind of Government or non-Governmental dispute
resolution is in effect, everyone will behave sweetly by nature.

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