This is actually a pretty rudimentary form of it.
The ability to  predict (sims on super computers, using massive feed
back loops, and the US  has one of the most sophisticated on earth),
is  the ability to control.  I said  over 20 years ago (before
anybody else was talking about the subject, as far as I know, I was the
first outside the people actually doing it) that it is "simple" matter
to add energy in the right places to create conditions that you want.
It wasn't to long after I described how it could be done,
that Nick Begich wrote a book that he tells of a "device" that
would fit the means to add that energy. The Toffler's in their
book the Third Wave (if I recall, it may have been future shock)
predicted that Weather Control will be the ultimate weapon of the
future. The actually predicted it ways before I, but  I hadn't  read it
at  the time I said how it  could be done, nor had the explained how it
could, only that it would be used for such, that is a weapon.
The powers that be love it when we laugh at such concepts,
yet they probably not only have read the Toffler's, but helped them
write their books.


Sarah wrote:
> Wow, like I mean I've read about this kind of stuff but I was kind of hoping 
> that nobody was actually out doing it.  

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