The Libertarian Enterprise
Issue 462, March 30, 2008
This issue's Motto: "They still allow you to protest"
Previous issue is now

Ye Olde Editor with Sunburn and Granddaughter Number One


Yes, that's me up there in that picture. I'm not the pretty one,
I'm the other one. The one with the sunburn. And yes, I'm holding
the most beautiful baby that has ever been. Age 6-months at this
picture taking time.

Speaking of sunburn or something like it, my wife is having that
open-heart surgery down in Phoenix on April 1st. We got married
one Friday the 13th 21-years ago, so April Fool's Day seems like
a good time for serious surgery, right? Right!

Now we must do the obligatory money-whine about this here being
a Reader Supported eMagazine, and you being a reader and all, so
here is an opportunity to provide some of that much-needed Support:

Other ways of supporting TLE is by buying advertising space (thanks
go out to Dennis Lee Wilson who did just that!), and by buying stuff
from all of those affiliate links and advertising links we have
scattered all over. They've got stuff you want and need, so why not
get that stuff by clicking through our links. It's easy!

About next issue: the Doc says hospital stay time should be four
to six days, so there will probably be an issue of TLE on the 6th
of April, but if not, then we'll be back maybe on the 7th, and on
the 13th for sure. Only way to find out is to check, eh?

Welcome to issue 462. Enjoy!

Ken Holder


1.  Letters to the Editor
     from Jim Davidson, L. Neil Smith, Cindy Mulvey, A.X. Perez
     and Curt Howland

2.  A Ring of Truth
     by L. Neil Smith

3.  Why So Serious?
     by A.X. Perez

4.  Taxi to the Dark Side -- The Axis of American Evil
     by Kahentinetha Horn

5.  Expect Delays
     by Darian Worden

6.  Abandon the "Peace Movement"!
     by Kaptain Kanada, a.k.a. Manuel Miles

7.  Broken Records
     by A.X. Perez

8.  The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton, Part 15
     by Scott Bieser

     Scott Bieser's "The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton" Archive:

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