What it amounts to, is this whole attitude that the individual
is the only thing that a person has to be concerned about and be damn
the rest of the community. What they fail to realize is that the
stronger the individuals are as whole in the community, the greater
security and liberty they will have individually also. After all, it is
hard for an individual who has everything, to be secure and have
liberty in a community that has nothing.

Here is the math for it.
Typical libertarian math.
Even with this, we can deduce
that if A < or = 0 or approaches 0, then so is b.
Libertarians fail to take into account that:
A+B=C, and as c approaches 0 or is equal or less then 0,
that so does a and b. If some libertarians really looked beyond their
superficial selfishness, they would be more willing to protect the
members of their community, and make sure that their boats were afloat
as well. Raising that fellers boat halfway around the world, isn't going
to do them a bit of good when the chips are down,  and in fact all it
will assure is that he and his community are better able to invade and
take you and your weakened community out when the time comes that he
decides to do so, and as your community approaches 0, the easier that is
for them to do. The same applies for a nation, the stronger the
communities are in nation, the harder that nation is to destroy, invade
or take over, and that is why it has been so hard to take this nation
over, and why we see the being done to it that are being done,
as a very lot of people wish to see the strength of it destroyed so it
can be merged into a global plantation, where the only ones strong are
those at the top, as they think that no one will be able to stand
against them.


Canuck In Denver wrote:
> I'm all for tariffs, they protect the companies that pay taxes here (for
> the privelege of being a corporation), create jobs and keep the people
> working. We need to go back to the original plan the Founders came up
> with. The Founders knew that a nation needed to make as much of its own
> products as possible for many reasons. They also knew that corporations
> should never have the same rights a natural people without a lot of
> strings attached to keep them in check. Between tariffs and taxes on
> corporations the government managed to work just fine and had enough
> money to do what it was created to do.

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