On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:56:10 -0700, goat! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael Shirley wrote:
>>      True. Mostly for them, I think that Libertarianism is just word
>> that they use to try and justify living without any rules or regard for
>> their fellow man.
> I suspect that a lot of them, as in other collectives, just internalize
> what they are told from on high and regurgitate it, without ever
> having really thought it all through. Some of them do though, as I said,
>  and think it through (or are actually the ones promoting it from the
> top) and hope they will be the ones to replace the ruling powers that
> be, in the some old con. There really is only one way to solve the
> problems (as much as can be), and that it to get as many people back to
> the land and independent as possible, so that their is no need for big
> government, but it seems that few are willing to work in that direction
> (including in the  lead of that is some libertarians, whom you think
> would be most willing to formulate policy  to archive such ends), and we
> are going further and further from it daily. Jefferson knew such is what
> it would take, and it still holds true today. Such is the main reason
> that I'm against  open borders and free trade, as it leads in the
> opposite direction of starting to solve the problems that such are now
> intensifying, to the point that none of us will or do own anything.

        I won't disagree. It's one of the big reasons that I want us all
off planet. Freedom depends on elbow room and there ain't enough here

        One caveat though. When you're the only libertarian government on
the planet, you have to watch out because you're vulnerable to all of the
governments that aren't. One always needs to be cognizant of the fact that
the one great strength of government is that it can do things that you  
make a profit on, because it has the power to marshal resources and expend
them in ways that boggles the imagination. Remember that individuals are
seldom willing to bankrupt themselves, but governments are willing to
bankrupt everybody in pursuit of their agenda, as witness what you see Bush
doing to our economy with his reiteration of LBJ's guns & butter policy and
his war.

"Implications leading to ramifications leading to shenanigans." Admiral  
Elmo Zumwalt, USN

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