-------- Original Message --------
Date:   Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:32:53 -0500


/*The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS:* Why worry about money when you have a
printing press? As long as there's paper in the machine, you'll never
run out. Well, as Bill Bonner explains, the problem arises when people
forget that with every fiat currency, less is more. Read on…/

by Bill Bonner

Capitalism is a panacea, after all. It cures symptoms of affluence as
well as poverty.

We file this report, coincidentally, from Manchester…where, according to
legend, the industrial revolution began. Modern tools, steady money, and
fossil fuel were put together, creating so much gas, it lifted mankind
out of the mud of the Middle Ages and carried him aloft. Thrifty
Scottish economists - notably Adam Smith and Adam Ferguson - saw what
was happening and took note of the moral lesson: by foregoing the
satisfaction of current consumption, savings could be invested in
factories, machines, and new discoveries that increased the output from
human labor.

In the same amount of time, thanks to his new tools, a workingman could
produce more things. And, soon, the things made him rich. According to
MeasuringWealth.com, during the second half of the 18th century, the
typical British workingman earned about 60 pounds per year. It took only
4.25 pounds sterling to buy an ounce of gold, so he earned the
equivalent of 14 ounces of gold, which is worth about 6,622 pounds
sterling at today's rates. A century later, in 1971, to be exact, his
earnings had risen to the equivalent of 49 ounces of gold per year - or
about 23,000 pounds sterling at today's rate.

(Readers who are good at math will already be asking questions. The
average wage in Britain today is only 23,177. In terms of gold, wages
have gone nowhere for the last 37 years.)

But whatever wonder James Watt and the people of Britain's industrial
heartland wrought, their descendants in America have worked another one;
in the midst of the greatest financial and technological boom ever, they
have managed to actually reduce the value of their own labor.

Yes, dear reader, this week we turn our weary eyes away from the poor,
the weak, and the huddled masses struggling to keep up with the price of
rice…and focus on people who are struggling to keep up with their credit
card payments. Here is a group of people upon whom nature piled so many
blessings, she crushed the wit out of them. And, their wealth is being
squeezed out too.

The United States of America has rich farmland, from sea to shining sea.
Still, it is a net importer of food. In fact, it is a net importer of
practically everything that can be moved. Every day that goes by it
receives about $2 billion more of these moveable objects than it sends
out in exports.

Prior to the Nixon administration, such an imbalance could not persist
for very long; but however much God blessed America - with her purple
mountains majesty and her fields of golden grain - was nothing compared
to the way she was favored by the post-1971 monetary system.

"As ye plant, so shall ye reap," it saith in the Bible. But in the
period from 1997-2007, Americans could reap without planting. They could
consume without earning. They could invest without saving, and spend as
much as they wanted without running out of money. They were the world's
luckiest people - they had the world's reserve currency…and access to
the whole world's credit.

The miracle that fundamentally altered the world monetary system
happened on August 15, 1971, when Richard Nixon "closed the gold
window," at the U.S. Treasury. Before then, every nation's currency was
anchored to gold. Governments settled their imbalances in yellow metal;
since each unit of paper currency represented an option on the
treasury's gold, it forced officials to be wary of issuing too many. But
after August, 1971, the world's monetary system upped anchor and sailed
with the tide. Now, it all floats on a sea of paper money - and no one
knows what's beneath the dark ocean surface.

The Chinese merchant who sold widgets and geegaws to spendthrift
Americans could not use dollars to pay his wages. He needed local
currency. So he traded his dollars for yuan. And where did the Central
Bank of China get enough yuan to buy up trillions of dollars? It had to
create them. All over the planet, as the world's stock of dollars
rose…so did its inventories of local currencies. And then, what could it
do with its dollars? Before 1971, it would have presented them to the
U.S. Treasury and received one ounce of gold for every 41 paper dollars.
In order to protect the nation's gold, central bankers would have taken
away the punch bowl and turned out the lights. Rates would have gone up;
foreigners would have been encouraged to hold dollars (rather than
exchange them for gold); Americans would have been discouraged from
spending dollars - effectively stifling U.S. consumer spending and
bringing the current account back into balance.

Then, in 2001, the U.S. financial authorities, led by Alan Greenspan,
thought they faced a crisis. They panicked - giving Americans even more
credit rope. With nothing to stop it, the supply of cash and credit rose
at an even faster rate. And thus it was that Americans wrapped their
good fortune around their necks like a noose. Instead of practicing the
virtues that had made them rich - saving money, building new factories
and learning new skills - they borrowed even more heavily than before.

And now their houses are being foreclosed and their bills are coming
due. Worse, the value of their most important asset - their time - is
being marked down with the dollar. According to our source, the typical
American workingman in the late 19th century was already earning
considerably more than an Englishman - 25 ounces of gold per year,
rather than 14. He, too, became much richer as the industrial revolution
progressed. By 1971, he was earning the equivalent of 82 ounces of gold,
worth $76,000 today. But then he forgot his lessons. He stopped
saving…his income fell…and his dollar dropped. Adjusting the average
hourly wage for consumer price inflation, he earns slightly less today
than he did during the Carter administration. Adjusting his wages to the
fall of the euro, we find the average American earns less than the
average Frenchman. And adjusting his wages to gold and we see he has
lost a half century of wage progress. Today, he earns only the
equivalent of 40 ounces of gold - or only about $38,000.

Enjoy your weekend,

Bill Bonner
/The Daily Reckoning/

*Editor's Note:* Bill Bonner is the founder and editor of The Daily
Reckoning. He is also the author, with Addison Wiggin, of the national
best sellers Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of
the 21st Century and Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis.

Bill's latest book, Mobs, Messiahs and Markets: Surviving the Public
Spectacle in Finance and Politics, written with co-author Lila Rajiva,
is available now by clicking here:

Mobs, Messiahs and Markets

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