It has always been considered prudent to store food by our ancestors,
even before the great depression, though there were and are certainly
people who were effected by the GD that reinforced the idea above and
beyond what some before that might of considered prudent. My
grandfather's second wife, for example, would actually save bread ties
and bread bags, and such like that, though the family I grew up in, has
always considered it prudent to store food, and I don't think they ever
lost the idea of doing so from before the GD, and no it had nothing to
do with religion (in fact, my family has never been such inclined much).

Dennis Lee Wilson wrote:
> Just do like the Mormons do (or like our ancestors did after they
> suffered thru the 1929-39 depression), store away at least one year of
> food. No need to become religious in order to be "saved".

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