George Phillies for President 2008


Debate and Civility

*Worcester, Mass, April 29*: Libertarian Presidential Candidate George
Phillies issued a statement today regarding civility in debate in the
Presidential race, taking candidates to task for mudslinging while
encouraging his fellow Libertarian candidates not to shy away from asking
and answering hard questions.

"Each Party's Presidential campaign has given us spectacular exchanges:
Giuliani vs Paul in their first debate.  Clinton vs Obama, debate after
debate after debate.  The Libertarian spat between Ruwart and Root," said
Phillies. "When exchanges degenerate to the level of a Jerry Springer
episode, the issues are lost in the shouting.

"On one hand, many Americans wish that candidates would always be nice to
each other.  They're right.  It's bad for America when arguments about flag
pins drown out questions on the Federal debt and the trade deficit.

"On the other hand, and I say this to my fellow candidates of all parties,
if you can't face down critics in your own party, how will you face down
your real opponents this Fall?  To their credit, Senators Clinton, McCain,
and Obama took the worst their fellow Democrats and Republicans threw at
them.  It was trial by fire, and they emerged as better candidates and
better people.  At the very least, they demonstrated their ability to hold
their ground and defend their viewpoints.

"Libertarians should take that lesson to heart. The Libertarian Party is a
political party, not an academic pontificating society.  Americans expect
candidates to differ with their opponents when there are differences, not to
pretend those differences aren't there.  They want to see and explore those
differences, and we need to let them.

"At the same time, debate can get carried away. Attacks that should be
leveled at issues are instead leveled at candidates themselves.  The
objective, after all, is to move toward victory in November.  Libertarians
expect that Libertarian candidates will campaign for fellow Libertarians,
not for our Democratic opponents.  Libertarians expect that Libertarian
candidates will take libertarian stands, not embrace positions of the remote
religious right.   Libertarians expect that Libertarian candidates will
self-identify as Libertarian, not as Republican.  Readers in other parties
justly have exactly the same expectations about their own candidates."

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit <> today.

To arrange an interview or obtain a short quote from the candidate, contact:
Carolyn Marbry, Press
(510) 276-3216
*George Phillies for President 2008


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