
So much for the Party of Principle.
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The Libertarian Party is calling for more cooperation between Federal,
state and local law enforcement to battle the scourge of child
pornography <> :

"FBI Chief Robert Mueller was correct when he said we are losing the war
on child pornography," says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane
Cory, referring to comments made by the head of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation on Wednesday before a House Judiciary Committee meeting.
"We have an obligation to protect children from sexual exploitation and
abuse, and we can do this by increasing communication between state and
federal agencies to help combat this repulsive industry. While privacy
rights should always be respected in the pursuit of child pornographers,
more needs to be done to track down and prosecute the twisted
individuals who exploit innocent children."

Mueller called for "integration" between police agencies and increasing
FBI resources to work on child pornography cases, which the LP press
release mentions without comment, except to suggest that those resources
could be freed up by not prosecuting victimless crimes.

So, yes: child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, is evil and those who
engage in it can hang in the courtyard by their genitals for all I care.
But what the hell is the LP thinking here?  They're not even pretending
to support the Constitution, let alone limited government, with this
view.  The LP is justifying not only the existence of a national police
force (which is not authorized by the Constitution), but by implying
support for "integrating" police agencies, they're calling for even more
Federal intrusion into areas that should by law be the states' domain.

There's only one reason for such an ill-considered and frankly
unlibertarian stance from the LP, and it's to further marginalize the
radical core of the party.  It started with the gutting of the party
platform in 2006 and it continues through attacks on Mary Ruwart
garding-a-proposed-lnc-resolution/> , an LP candidate for President and
a more radical libertarian than the current leaders of the LP are
comfortable with.

Even party founder David Nolan expressed his outrage in a comment
garding-a-proposed-lnc-resolution/#comment-582773> :

I am appalled at the national HQ staff putting out a press release that
implicitly disowns one of our candidates over such a relatively minor
issue. First, because that's not a proper role for paid staffers to
assume, and second because several other candidates have taken overtly
anti-Libertarian stances on a number of issues, and none of them have
been shot at by the national staff for doing so. This whole fiasco just
reeks of cronyism and witch-hunting. Our presidential nominee will be
chosen by the delegates to the national convention in Denver, and
attempts by the LNC or (especially) the office staff at LPHQ to subvert
that process are despicable.

Once again, the New LP demonstrates its willingness to sell out its own
principles, and even one of its most dedicated party members, in a
futile effort to gain some mainstream political credibility.  It's just
pathetic.  If you truly care about the libertarian movement then stop
supporting these clowns.

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