George Phillies for President 2008


*Should the Flag Lapel Pin Panic Grip America?*

*Worcester, Mass., May 2:   *Libertarian Presidential candidate George
Phillies today spoke out on the national flag lapel pin crisis.  "Most
Americans never noticed there was a flag lapel pin crisis, not after
thousands of our men and women died in Iraq and the budget deficit headed
for $500 billion a year. Fortunately, moderators at a recent Democratic
Presidential debate cleared things up, at least for people worried about
jobs, plummeting real estate prices, soaring gasoline prices, and
skyrocketing food and medical costs, not to mention the sad state of
education.  Most of us would never have guessed that the flag lapel pin
crisis is more important.

"I respect our flag," Phillies said.  "That means I don't use it as costume
jewelry.  In fact, I almost never wear lapel pins.  Why? By geographic
adoption, I'm a Yankee. We Yankees know thrift is a virtue. Every time you
stick a pin through your suit, you damage the fabric. That's pointless

"More seriously," Phillies continued, "I'm campaigning on issues real
Americans actually care about.  The War.  Civil liberties.  Ending fiscal
lunacy in Washington. Education, energy, and the environment. Medical care
costs.  The economy.  And I'm giving Americans sensible libertarian answers,
answers that my fellow Americans will support. Those answers will give us a
better America."

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit <> today.

To arrange an interview or obtain a short quote from the candidate, contact:
Carolyn Marbry, Press
(510) 276-3216
*George Phillies for President 2008


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