Miss Reason has, over the last few months since I first encountered a
Youtube of hers, impressed me as having very strange ideas.

The phrase, "the ends don't justify the means" is a proverb about
doing evil things in the name of a good cause.  

> MEANS are neither good nor evil.

Utter nonsense.  There are obviously evil things that a person can
do, such as torturing a person to death to attempt to gain some
evidence to justify killing them.  Massacring six million Jews is
the means to an end, and the means was itself evil.  The end in that
case also happened to be evil.

Tools are neither good nor evil.  A gun, for example, is just a 
tool.  It can be used for good or used for evil.

But, "means" are not merely tools, but actions taken to attempt to
gain the desired goal or end.  The whole point of the proverb is to
point out that taking an evil action hoping for a good result is not

> What determines their goodness or badness is the END RESULT 
> of the MEANS. If the END RESULT of a MEANS is good, then 
> that MEANS is good.

No, absolutely not.  
> For example, killing a human being (MEANS) is neither good nor evil.

All other things being equal, killing a human being is evil.

There is no type of such killing that is not homicide.  Whether or
not a homicide is justifiable is questionable, and it is always one
that our current system of jurisprudence demands must involve a
great deal of consideration, such as trial by a jury, or review by
a grand jury.

> Please add your comments on this subject to my blog at

Please don't spam this list again, Miss Reason.  I'm quite happy to
moderate all the posts you make here, as I find time.

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