George Phillies for President 2008


 Phillies Files Declaration of Intent

*Concord, New Hampshire, June 19:  *Libertarian Party of New Hampshire
Presidential candidate George Phillies has filed his candidacy papers with
New Hampshire Secretary of State William Gardner.  "Being nominated for
President is the highest honor a political party can bestow on one of its
members," Phillies said, "and I will do my utmost to show that New
Hampshire's trust is not misplaced."

Speaking of the National Libertarian Party, which separately nominated a
different Presidential candidate, Phillies said: "The New Hampshire Party
has been collecting signatures for me since Spring 2007. Unfortunately, the
people of New Hampshire in their wisdom do not permit political parties to
replace their Presidential candidate. I was chosen as the candidate, and so
I must remain."

Phillies says his campaign will emphasize an immediate end to the Iraq War,
termination of warrantless wiretaps of most telephones with criminal
prosecution of the wiretappers, and massive cuts in Federal spending of all
sorts.  "The people of New Hampshire pay far more in Federal taxes than they
get back.  The only way to fix the system is to leave your hard-earned money
where it belongs, in your wallet," Phillies said.

The New Hampshire Party has already completed petitioning for Phillies and
other candidates, including U.S. Senate Candidate Ken Blevens of Bow, New
Hampshire, Congressional candidates Robert Kingsbury of Laconia and Chester
LaPointe of Swanzey, as well as candidate for Governor Susan Newell of

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit <> today.

To arrange an interview or obtain a short quote from the candidate, contact:
Carolyn Marbry, Press
(510) 276-3216
*George Phillies for President 2008


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