--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Eric Pavao"
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:34 PM, goat! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Yes, and people are still being prosecuted / ruined trying to stop
> > trespass on the borders.
> Huh?  If you own land on the border (or have permission from the
> person(s) that own the land) then you can rightfully stop a
> trespasser. If however you are talking about "public" land then I can
> confidently tell you (being part of the public myself) that you do not
> have unanimous consent to stop tresspassers.  Of course, since it is
> impossible to get unanimous consent to do ANYTHING with public land
> (including buy it in the first place), public land should not exist to
> begin with.  But as long as you want to believe in the fiction of
> public land, you shouldn't be able to keep out trespassers unless you
> have permission to do so from ALL the owners.  And I hereby refuse to
> give my permission.
> --Eric
Well said, Eric. I fully agree with you and I made that same point in an
open letter to Hans-Herman Hoppe regarding that same (public roads)

  "More arguments for Open Borders—this time (unbeknownst to him)
from the pen of Hans-Hermann Hoppe!" http://tinyurl.com/y393aq

My conclusion in that letter was:

If I am a legitimate owner of the public property in the U.S., then I
have a say in how it is used and I want unrestricted access! I cannot
trade with people who are excluded from reaching my property, especially

As a legitimate owner of the "public property", and of private property
within the territory commonly known as the United States, I issue a
standing, open invitation to any and all individuals in the world to use
the "public" property of which I am a legitimate owner!

Furthermore, I know of other legitimate owners of this public property
in the U.S. who hold the same view.

Mr Hoppe's argument is sufficient grounds for ENFORCING open borders!


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