--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Dennis Lee Wilson"
> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <zakbas@>
> wrote:
> > it STILL is a zero-sum
> > game; SOME OTHER people have to be GAINING the exact same amount of
> > Wealth.
> If today, nobody will buy the stock for more than $60/share, other
> owners think they have lost wealth at $40/share. They still have their
> shares and the shares themselves did not change, only the price of the
> last trade. The same applies for a house or a horse shoe.

Before a Trade and after a Trade, there are still the same number of
Houses and Horseshoes.  The Total Wealth has not changed, no matter
what number of "Dollars" or "Gold Grams" are _THOUGHT_ to represent
them.  Some different people may now own the Houses and the
Horseshoes, but they still exist and SOMEONE owns them!  Zero Sum.

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