Note that my analysis is the same whether there are "heirs" (whatever
that means) or not, and whether there is a "will" or not.  Dead bodies
have no "Rights".

--- In, "Zack Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, Curt Howland
> <curt.howland@> wrote:
> >
> > This reminds me of the talk on anarchy by Roderick Long, 
> > where he mentions that "objectivists" seem to be very worried about 
> > people "dying without heirs"
> >
> The libertarian viewpoint ought to be pretty clear:
> It is Morally Wrong to Initiate Force against any person.
> But what is a Person?  Well, some would include Molluscan Aliens, some
> would include only Humans, some try to get away with Whales, etc.  But
> what everyone seems to agree on is that NAP applies only to LIVING
> A dead body is not a Person.  Therefore an "estate" is UNOWNED.
> Certainly a Person can give away what he owns to another Person; in
> that case what he gave away is now the Property of that Person.  But
> if he dies Intestate, then he is no longer a Person, he no longer owns
> the Property, and he no longer has any desires, so nothing that is
> done with that Property can be considered Initiation Of Force against
> any Person.  Go grab it.

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