--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Wraith <wra...@...> wrote:
> At 07:58 PM 5/13/2009, you wrote:
>  Father Land Security has already demonstrated
> that they can kill and get away with it (time after time).
> Never play the game by the enemies rules.

After 9 years of TSA abuse, I am amazed that ANYONE (except a masochist)
still goes to airports. And WHY would any SANE parent take their own
children to such a place?!?

It is SO EASY to make other arrangements!! I haven't flown commercial or
used any other "public" transportation since BEFORE 2001. What if TSA
went to work and there were no "customers"? How much longer can the
morally bankrupt USA government last before its financial bankruptcy
catches up? (The answer should be pretty obvious: the financial
bankruptcy is underway and has greatly accelerated since Oct 2008).

The writer of the article should stop being indignant about government
groping and DO SOMETHING, such as STOP SUPPORTING IT!! The USA federal
government long ago abandoned the limits of the Constitution. It does
not deserve to be supported. There are MANY WAYS to withhold support.

Dennis Wilson
Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

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