--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Wraith <wra...@...> wrote:
> Zack... They did state that the various tyrannies could use this to 
> support their own
> agenda did they not?  Its not possible to have a different 
> interpretation without it being
> intentional LIES?...

Of course they had some Truth in there, but they also told the LIES I quoted:
"The proposal would not only ***OUTLAW*** assisted opening knives, its overly 
broad new definition of a switchblade would also include all one-handed opening 
knives and most other pocket knives! ... this proposal would make it 
***ILLEGAL*** for the estimated 40 million law-abiding Americans who own and 
***CARRY*** pocket knives to do so."

That just is not the Truth.  It is not an INTERPRETATION, it is LYING.

The various State tyrannies don't need the Feds to support their own agenda.  
They do a LOT all on their own.  Some States make it illegal to carry a 
switchblade EVEN IF YOU HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE!   New Hampshire is one 
of the worst:  In NH you can legally carry a loaded .40 openly on the streets 
of Manchester or any other Town WITHOUT A PERMIT; but if they find a 
switchblade IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME they can put you in a cage!!!  And 
they did not have the help of any Feds to pull that shit either.

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