Yeah, go ahead, insult all the minarchists on this list.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Wraith <> wrote:

> At 07:49 AM 8/13/2009, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >To you and to me and to most libertarians, sure; but to those
> >libertarians who are Pacifists it is not an option. Note how they
> >snuck onto the LP page a prohibition against any and all USE of
> >Violence, not just its Initiation:
> >"Libertarians oppose... the use of violence to achieve political...
> goals."
> >
> >Fortunately, the very first Plank in the LP Platform is still the
> >Non-Aggression Principle:
> >=================================================================
> >=================================================================
> >1.0 Personal Liberty
> >...
> >No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any
> >other individual, group, or government.
> >=================================================================
> >=================================================================
> >
> >This Principle, known as NAP or cutely ZAP, allows for unlimited
> >retaliation and retribution, but not INITIATION of Force. Many
> >libertarians abjure unlimited retaliation,, but a NAP Libertarian
> >can follow the Non-Aggression Principle and still retaliate as much
> >as he wishes; if the other guy doesn't like it, he shouldn't have STARTED
> it.
> The so called "party of Principle" has forgotten what this is all
> about, in its focus on gaining Power
> within the system. If you think about it, any form of coercive
> government would by its nature violate the ZAP.
> Thus real libertarians would be anarchists.

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