Thus far, no further news from my company.

In the mean time, I'm having to put up with Mayor Jenning's Hollywood vision.
He's let in the 2nd Unit crew for a Will Ferrel vehicle called "The Other Guys".
So far, it's been a royal pain in the patoot.  Last Friday I was literally
locked into my office, unable to go much of anywhere except next door to the
sports bar.

Today they've decided to close down the side streets where most of the lunch
places do business.  I watched one get shaken down by a Hollywood suit that
wanted her to close for the day, offering about 10% of her receipts for the day.
What really pissed me off was the Albany cop who was assisting in the shakedown.

I say the next bunch of Hollyweird shitbags who show up here should be shot on
sight.  But that's just me.

CPUs execute their instructions in synchonization with the "ticking" of 
an internal clock.  This kind of thing isn't unusual in the real world.  
Musicians play their music at the tempo dictated by the baton of a 
conductor or the "ticking" of a metronome.  Greek slaves used to row the 
oars of their trireme warships in time with the drum beats.  Politicians 
spend money at 1.5 times the rate at which they can get their hands on it.  
You get the idea.
            - Gary Cutler, "A Buyers and Builders Guide to Windows PCs"

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