> I don't think I said we don't use bombs. Lots of good engineering uses > for explosives. I said we don't use them against human beings, because > they're sloppy and kill uninvolved bystanders.
Again you assume someone who can PARSE that, or juudge what the effect of being a dumbass with explosives is liable to be. Or do you assume everyone will become smart when we become libertarian? Or only smart people will move to Libertopia? I have news for you - there is no guarantee that their children will be as smart as they are. > I am no more a Libertopian than anybody else here. Humanity is not > perfect or perfectible. Just let us do our best without interference from > God or Government. > > Ward Griffiths wdg...@comcast.net I am using Libertopia as a tongue-in-cheek reference to a land where things run by Libertarian, free market principles. try to keepp up, please. At no time did I use the term "Libertopian" or use it to mean someone who dreams of living in a libertarian society, Ward - respond to what I am actually TYPING please. Your point about humanity being imperfect is already assumed Angel-topia does not NEED any social mechanisms for conflict resolution - they don't have any conflicts! Libertopia has Social Mechanisms for resolving conflicts - because Human beings live there - and that means conflicts will arise. What I started out with was a case where there seems to be a conflict but it is not clear - Like I said - I think we have to draw a line that leaves intent and other intangible things out but encloses objectively measurable effects. Otherwise, we're trying to decide how to detect, meaaure and resolve someone's intent as a conflict with someone else's rights. The street vendors were under no obligation to allow the NY times Bomber to blow them up to prove his intent - but once we're seperated in time and space from the actual events I think our ability to percieve and meaure intent declines. This is why individuals retain their right to self defense - they alone are on site and in the moment - they alone have the perception and the need to make a judgement based on what they see. Jay ~Meow!~