Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
We the People Scoop 1/21/06
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STANLEY NOTE:  This Stanley fellow keeps telling people that our country has
been overthrown from within.  Everyone still wants to believe the illusion.  The
POLICE STATE OF AMERICA is here to stay unless Americans revolt from it.  It is
as simple as that.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: know what habeas corpus is

> Commentary by Helen & Harry Highwater:
> Maybe you don't know what habeas corpus is. It's Latin, and it sounds
> complicated, but it's an easy concept to understand.
> In legal principle, it means that if you're arrested and held by government
> officials, you have the right to stand before a judge, and have the facts of
> the matter heard. If the judge doesn't think there's a reasonable reason to
> hold you, you have the right to be set free.
> It's as simple as that, and it's simply the cornerstone of the US justice
> system, and of earlier systems of justice worthy of being called systems of
> justice. The concept of habeas corpus actually dates back about 700 years,
> to the 14th Century. Seriously.
> If this concept is taken away, then people can be held for years -- for
> life, forever -- without a trial.
> And this, of course, is exactly what's happening at Guantanamo, and at
> secret American-operated prisons around the world.
> These prisons are operated on foreign soil, solely because that makes it
> easier to abandon all Constitutional protections and sidestep the American
> system of justice. There is no presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
> Exactly the opposite: Once arrested, prisoners are presumed guilty, and the
> trial, where we expect guilt to be proven or disproved, is skipped entirely.
> These prisons have nothing to do with justice, because they hold people who
> have never faced trial.
> This is tyranny, of exactly the sort that Americans revolted against in
> 1776.
> Any American who gives half a damn for the principles America preaches --
> you know, truth, justice, the American way -- ought to be infuriated.
> There's no such thing as a limited tyranny: If American government can hold
> people for life without habeas corpus, without trial, without human rights,
> it's foolhardy to expect that such abuses will be directed only against
> people with swarthy skin, people who wear turbans, people who worship
> 'Allah' instead of 'God'.
> You can't set a monster free and imagine you still hold the leash.
> A government that disregards human rights is a monstrosity. When we turn
> that monster loose on other people, it will come back and eat us alive as
> well.
> When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
>   =Helen & Harry Highwater=
> http://www.unknownnews.org/0601060104habeascorpus.html
Disclaimer: Information shared in the We The People Scoop is not necessarily
the opinion of the editor or staff.  It is shared for information
purposes only and it is recommended that you come to your own conclusions.
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