We all agree that "the lesser of two evils" is still evil.  Problem is that
I can not agree with you on having a demoncrat elected knowing he is going
to trample the constitution and cut my throat over a republican that is a
pig in the poke.  Thank goodness our (my district and the State of SC)
problems are of the much lesser this cycle.

God save us all and the Republic.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:03 PM, <jwsmith42...@aol.com> wrote:

>  Rod only when the RLC'er's leave the Republican party and do not support
> anyone who is Republican except those who are truly freedom oriented will
> they have my support and respect. When they support the least rotten apple
> just because he is a Republican they lose all my respect.
>  Today the RNC says "Jump" and the RLC "Jumps". The RNC says if you
> endorse anyone we do not like we will expell you and they cower in the
> corner. Much of the RLC did not even endorse Ron Paul in 2008 because they
> were afraid to anger those at the top of the rotten heap.
> They will support anyone who is a registered Republican no matter how bad,
> over any one who is more pro freedom but not Registered Republican.
> In 1969 the Republicans ran the Libertarians out of the Republican Party.
> That was at the 1969 "Young Americans for Freedom" Conference
> Also, Remember, in 1989 I helped to form and write the original mission
> statement for what was to become the RLC.  When it was presented to the RNC
> the RNC rejected it and it's chosen name. The Libertarian-Republican Caucus!
> By the time that the RNC would accept it, it was no longer anything like
> what we had at first written. It was not really freedom oriented and
> certainly was not Libertarian oriented. To use an analogy - "It was like
> plain watered down vanilla flavoring". The other organizers including Ron
> Paul and Eric Ritberg (Dondaro) folded or sold out or what ever you wish to
> call it. They got their caucus but it was without a soul.
> For me to have any respect for the RLC or any belief in them, they will
> have to leave the Republican Party.
> I like you and do not want to hurt your feelings but that is the way I look
> at it.
> John Wayne
>  In a message dated 4/21/2010 7:16:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> crazylibertar...@yahoo.com writes:
> I agree with J.W. Smith but not including the RLCers, since I am one.  We
> are demanding adherence to our principles.


“It is important to remember that government interference always means
either violent action or the threat of such action. . . . Taxes are paid
because the taxpayers are afraid of offering resistance to the tax
Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises

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