Jim, I respect you going into business but please don't attach labels.  I agree 
with about 90% of what Glenn Beck says and find O'Reilly to be very accurate in 
his reporting.  

I'm suprised that you would stoop to things like that.  Right wing kooks?  
Perhaps if you include Timothy McVeigh who was rejected by a militia.  You 
sound here more like Stan Swart and Bill Press.    

If you adhere to the platform of the Democratic Party, Jim, you are a 
socialist.  You're a good guy but a socialist.    

As far as this one "Tea Party and libertarians berate power but willingly carry 
water for the most powerful - Banks, Wall Street, Health Insurance monopoly, 
and Big Oil."  There might be some and even though I am a Tea Partier, I cannot 
speak for them because there might be some among us.  I CAN speak for The 
Republican Liberty Caucus and we categorically reject corporate welfare.  It is 
also the platform of the Libertarian Party. 

As far as "Yesterday, the US Chamber (the ones financing opposition to health 
insurance monopoly reform) said that the tax payers should foot some of the 
bill for poor little BP."  see above. 

As far as "Now, Harry Reid's opponent is even weirder than Lowden...' goes, 
then I am even weirder than Harry Reid also.  

As far as "There is mounting evidence of fraud in the SC primary that put the 
guy Green (another kook) on the Democratic ticket - the voting machines will be 
audited all the way to the central database. Election fraud condoned by the 
Republican Party? That's a winner, for sure."  So?  You don't remember the 
original Mayor Daley of Chicago whose administration originated the saying, 
"Vote early and often?"  

Richard Daley's Chicago was the only area where the urban vote tallies were 
reported AFTER the rural tallies.  This was so Daley could see if the results 
were close enough so the results could be 'adjusted'.  Chicago was such a 
political city that in every election the dead voted once and the living voted 

And have you ever checked into the orign of the nickname "Landslide Lyndon" for 
Lyndon B. Johnson?

Voter fraud has a much longer tradition among the Democrats than the GOP.     

--- In LibertarianExchange@yahoogroups.com, "Jim" <bottomlinejim2...@...> wrote:
> Boy, it's really interesting to hear Republicans who have never owned their 
> own business or medical practice claim to know what small business owners 
> want and need. I am a small business owner. We used our savings (capital) to 
> start the business and it is self sustaining - we are completely debt free. 
> This is our second business - the first we sold due to a family emergency. 
> Yet, because I am a Progressive Democrat, I'm labeled a "socialist" by right 
> wing kooks like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Boehner, Rubio, 
> etc., etc. I hate to burst their conspiracy theory bubble, but I am a 
> capitalist.
> If someone supports social safety nets, which prevent the rise of third 
> worldism, they are automatically labeled a "socialist." Then, some conspiracy 
> kook equates them with Hitler because the word "Socialism" was used by his 
> party. Ok, let's play...
> The word "Libertarian" was borne out of Communism, Therefore, Libertarians 
> are Communists! Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's thugs are called the "Republican" guard 
> - Oh my god! 
> Now we can clearly see that so-called "Tea Party Libertarians" are actually 
> Communist Muslim Theocrats who have the blood of millions all over their 
> hands. When, really, we all know they represent wannabe oligarchs - small 
> groups of elites who own all industry - kind of like what Ayn Rand 
> envisioned, as well as Hitler.
> When we talk about "Liberal" and "Conservative" in America, these things mean 
> radically different things in other nations. European neo-Nazis are actually 
> the "far right" - in America, the far right is the Republican party and they 
> are not neo Nazis as far as I can tell. But we could go on the radio and make 
> those inferences if we want. Oh my god, the right wing in america are 
> actually Communist Socialist Muslim Theocratic Neo-Nazi Oligarch wannabes!
> I prefer not to make those inferences because I don't want to look ignorant 
> to world issues or make myself look stupid - which is exactly what is 
> happening with the conservative conspiracy theory kooks in America. I say 
> they are kooks because they say I'm a socialist.
> Tea Party and libertarians berate power but willingly carry water for the 
> most powerful - Banks, Wall Street, Health Insurance monopoly, and Big Oil. 
> Yesterday, the US Chamber (the ones financing opposition to health insurance 
> monopoly reform) said that the tax payers should foot some of the bill for 
> poor little BP. Ha! There's all the proof you need - then the leader of the 
> Republican, Boehner, agreed before back tracking throughout the day.
> I can't find any doctor who is willing to trade health services for chickens 
> - she lost. Now, Harry Reid's opponent is even weirder than Lowden - looks 
> like we get 6 more years of Harry Reid!
> There is mounting evidence of fraud in the SC primary that put the guy Green 
> (another kook) on the Democratic ticket - the voting machines will be audited 
> all the way to the central database. Election fraud condoned by the 
> Republican Party? That's a winner, for sure.

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