I can not count the number of generations parts of my family have been  in 
the southeastern US. If you used the number of - 20 years per  generation - 
it would be over 50,000. 
Much of what you say below fits into my world view quite nicely. On my web  
site (_http://www.johnwayne4gov.com_ (http://www.johnwayne4gov.com) )  you 
will see things like this: 
Government and Corporate Responsibility
No individual,  government or Publicly Held Corporation should enjoy any 
privilege to avoid  civil or criminal prosecutions for actions taken while in 
positions of authority  except judges and arbitrators.  All laws should 
apply equally to all  citizens and all citizens should have remedies for 
violations of their rights,  especially against persons in positions of 
No government board or  body should have the right to refuse to allow any 
citizen the right to speak on  any subject. No Publicly Held Corporate Board 
should have the right to refuse to  hear any stockholder speak on any 
subject that impacts the actions of the  corporation.  Such boards or bodies 
should have the right to limit time and  to determine what place in the agenda 
such will take place.  Such boards  and bodies should be required to maintain 
a quorum until every such citizen or  stockholder is heard. 
My name is John Wayne Smith. I was born in Leesburg, Florida. Some of my  
ancestors have been roaming Florida’s hills, woods and swamps for over 10,000 
 years. I hope that my descendants are able to do the same, and to be as 
free as  were my ancestors.
Writing about why I should be your Governor is no easy  task, especially 
since I stand against current wisdom most of the time. I am the  kind of man 
that the government fears the most. I am a free man. I am a  competent man. I 
do not need or want someone to live my life for me. I am a  peaceful man. I 
assist my neighbors when ask or I see that assistance will be  beneficial. 
I accept assistance from my neighbors in like events. I do not  initiate 
aggression against anyone, but I reserve the right to vigorously defend  my 
John Wayne
In a message dated 6/14/2010 10:24:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
bottomlinejim2...@gmail.com writes:

I wonder  why so many people jump up and down, scream, and throw temper 
tantrums about  government power but look the other way when it comes to 
abusive corporate  power. Whose pockets are they really in? Whose interests are 
they really  looking after? no florida natives, that's for sure.

Seems kind of  strange - seems like to me that they would be against any 
and all kinds of  abuse of power. But they aren't, they willingly carry water 
for big corporate  interests who kill us little guys.

I will not support any candidate in  Florida who was not born here, who did 
not grow up here, who loves power over  the interest of Florida natives.

We are overrun, overdeveloped. I own a  riverfront home, it's paid off, and 
now we have a green algae bloom killing  fish all over the river. This is 
directly related to fertilizer run off. Who  is doing it? Idiots who were not 
born here and who refuses to understand that  too much fertilizer kills the 
river. they refuse to listen becuase people on  talk radio have for 30 
years called us "environmentalist wackos."

Do  they change? No, They keep putting it on because they care about the 
sod they  bought and not about the river - not even considering that a dead 
river also  kills their property values. And, their failure to do anything 
means that  other peoples' property values will suffer.

Which brings up zoning -  without zoning, someone could buy property next 
to mine. Using the argument  that they should have the right to do whatever 
they want on their private  property, what if they want to process some 
chemicals? And what if it spills  over on to my property? And what if it spills 
into the river and affects  hundreds of other property owners? I don't want 
their money. I want my  investment protected and sometimes zoning is the only 
way to protect me from  my neighbors.

I have a natural yard that does not need fertilizer. Our  garden is in the 
best, untouched, natural soil around and we are having a  bumper crop this 
year as well as all years in the past. We rotate crops and  compost.

As a fifth generation native of Florida, I will support  Florida candidates 
who will stand up for our rights as property owners. Like I  said, in 
Florida, a sick environment leads to sick property  values.


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