This e-mail is going out to a progressive group which includes several hosts 
from Jacksonville (Florida) Progressive Radio as well as a regular group of 
libertarians, conservatives, Republicans and those generally associated with 

There has been much talk of the expiration of the G. W. Bush tax rate 
that are set to expire at the end of the year.    

It is important to realize that income taxes are just that, taxes on income, 
wealth, as the Left likes to misprepresent them.  In essence, they are partial 
enslavement, which is the very essence of communism and fascism, which means 
work for the government.

So here is a challenge to all liberals, progressives, Democrats and socialists 
(dare I add communists?).   Below is the second item on Karl 
Marx's recommendations to accomplish the communization of a society.  
Please show how income taxes are not partial enslavement and differentiate your 
views from this crucial part of the communist program.  

I ask any progressive recipient of this e-mail to respond to this but think 
one will.  You may submit this challenge to any other of your politically like 
minded for their responses.

Please note, that unless requested otherwise, I might submit your responses to 
other recipients.  I will honor requests to not do so and will not identify the 

Finally, please don't misrepresent what I have written as I am sure several of 
you will.   

>From The Manifesto by Karl Marx:

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty 

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax...

Progressives of the world, start your engines.  (Jeopardy theme, maestro 


 Roderick T. Beaman,D.O.
Board Certified Family Physician
You can not simultaneously advocate for a small government
and for this country to invade others. 


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