Comments yes!  It was Henry Ford that blamed the Jews or more specifically the 
Jewish Bankers for the starting of WWI.  He was half correct; the banksters 
(Illuminati, Masons, etc.) that started WWI to remove the crowned heads of 
Europe.  It is far easier to corrupt a democracy or communism than one monarch. 
 Some of those banksters happened to be Jewish, but not all of them.  This is 
what started the anti-semitism movement in the United States.
Mark DeBarbieri

sponsored link: yahoo recommended - 

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 10:46:50 -0700
Subject: [LibertarianExchange] Fw: Fwd: comment




To all the members of Libertarian Exchange, especially the Jewish members:
I was very conflicted when I wrote 'The Liberal Arrogance' about mentioning my 
experiences with some of the Jewish students at NYU.  For the purpose of the 
article, I  mentioned the 80% Jewish rate to show that I had a lot of exchanges 
with the Jewish students there.  Most of us got along very well but like 
everything else, there were Christian and Jewish jerks.
I knew that this particular guy would seize on the article to blame 'the Jews'. 
 (I've deleted his name.)   It just really pisses me off that jerks like this 
roam this planet and pollute our libertarian groups.  
Any comments?     

 Roderick T. Beaman,D.O.
Board Certified Family Physician
You can not simultaneously advocate for a small government
and for this country to invade others. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 1:07:33 PM
Subject: Re: comment

It doesn't surprise me that you would respond with something like this.  And, 
oh yes, about the same proportion of conservative groups were Jewish as the 
rest of the campus.  Once again, you show what a bigot you are.  You should 
hook up with Edgar Steele.  If you can find someone who's Jewish in any 
organization, it's 'because of the Jews'.       

Roderick T. Beaman,D.O. 
Every government official should go to bed at night afraid that when he awakens 
in the morning that there will be an angry mob outside his house waiting to 
shoot or hang him. 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 12:17:00 PM
Subject: comment

You anti semite. You pointed out NYU was 80% jews. That is horrible. You came 
close but did not mention the SDS  leaders were all  bolshevik jews karl marx 
was a jew and jews invented communism feminism liberalism and are behind all 
lesbian and homo and abortion movements.La Raza the naacp and every white 
hating institution. How did they ever get the nickname nation wreckers???





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