>> Thanks for your fast answer. If I correctly understand what you're saying, 
>> the same ev_async watcher started ev_async_init()-ed and ev_async_start()-ed
>> in each worker thread has to be passed to the ev_async_send() call ? It 
>> means it cannot be a local variable anymore and has to be accessible from the
>> worker threads and the main (accept) thread ?
>> I changed my code a little bit so that the ev_async watchers are now 
>> "global" and persistent, and the whole thing seems to work (but keep 
>> reading):
> Without analysing your code in detail, I think you might be entrenched too
> much in the special semantics of ev_async.
> ev_async, really, is like any other watcher, you ev_async_init it before
> use, and then you ev_async_start it with some loop.
> When you then want the callback invoked, you ev_async_send it some signal.
> This can be done at any time from any other thread.
> It probably helps to think of ev_async watchers as if they were some kind
> of ev_signal watchers: instead of sendign a signal, you ev_async_send.

Ok, it makes total sense now.

>> So I guess I'm stuck back to my piping queue mechanism in this case, because 
>> a simple eventfd counter is not enough to hold an high-rate fd flow from
> What's wrong with using, well, a queue (C++ has some, there are many
> libraries that have some, it's easy to make one yourself using a
> doubly-linked list etc.) instead of a pipe? That way, you can easily pass
> around normal data structures inside your process, without having to do
> syscalls in common cases (I mean, you already use threads, so what's wrong
> with using a mutex and a queue?)

I guess nothing's wrong with it ;-)

> Since you know what threading model you use, it's trivial to create a
> queue - ev_async is still the fastets way to wake up an event loop.

Yes, I looked at your implementation and eventfd (when available) is definitely 
the fastest way to go.

> There are other designs possible, see the other replies. Also, you could
> wait for your workers to finish before you give them new jobs, but I
> think it's easiest to use a queue. If you are unsure about how to queue
> using threads, you can look at libeio, which implements a threadpool that
> handles queued requests:
>   http://cvs.schmorp.de/libeio/eio.c?view=markup
>   - etp_submit submits a request to the pool.
>   - etp_poll handles results returned from the pool.
>   - etp_proc is the worker thread loop that reads requests.
> The manpage (http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libeio/eio.pod)
> briefly explains how ev_async would be plugged into this system.
> (It actually is a planned goal of libeio to be split into a reusable
> threadpool-part and an io part, but it's not there yet).
> Now, as a word of advice: multithreading is (imho) extremely complicated,
> expect that you will have to learn a lot.

Actually, the processing I will be doing in each worker thread will greatly 
benefit from a multi-thread
architecture (and not so much from a multi-processes one). This is why I'm 
trying to implement it this way.

>> Is there a chance to see a similar generic API directly into libev sometime 
>> soon ?
> The generic api is called ev_async, really. You probably think too
> complicated: If you pay the inefficiencies of threads for a shared address
> space, why not use it to handle your data?
> Keep also in mind that threads are not very scalable (they are meant to
> improve performance on a single cpu only and decrease performance on
> multiple cores in general), and since the number of cores will increase
> more and more in the near future, they might not be such a good choie.

"Decrease performance on mutiple core in general" ? But what about a 
single process program ? It wouldn't benefit from multiple cores (since the 
wouldn't schedule this program on mote than one core at a time anyway), right ?

Based on the replies I got, I think I will use a very simple lightweight queue 
pipe-based !) and an ev_async to wake the relevant thread to read the queue.

Thanks a lot for all the advices,

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