
sorry to have woken the thread troll. It sounds like a very passionate discussion topic.

My rationale is to favor code simplicity and clarity at the cost of some potential performance penalty. This led me to the leader/follower pattern with worker threads handling each request independently.

I was considering using libev as a portable replacement of epoll or kevent which would straightforwardly do the job, but apparently it isn't as simple.

Marc Lehmann a écrit :

I would experiment by simply handing the event loop to the next
thread in each callback, and acquiring the loop back once finished
(stopping/starting of watchers is required here).
I'm not sure I understood this correctly. Do you mean I should put the leader/follower polka inside the callback ? This implies the different worker threads call the ev_loop, but just when all the others are inactive, and then in the callback, just synchronize themselves so that only one thread returns from the callback.

I don't understand how this can work because we end up with multiple threads executing the ev_loop. This doesn't seem safe because the threads may have context information on their stack on the current ev_loop function which may become incoherent. Did I misunderstood your proposal ?

That way your callbacks would compete for the event loop, and the event
loop would only poll once all current callbacks have been invoked - before
each (or each slow) callback, the event loop would be passed to the next
Isn't that the same as calling ev_loop with the ONE_SHOT flag ?

Here is an optimized version of the previous skeleton code in which I now use the follower and leader keywords where they belong. I expect this to be a better use of the ev_loop(ONE_SHOT). notify() is only called when the leader thread leaves the ev_loop loop and is about to process a request.

    while( !done )
          // follower thread pool
          while( has_leader_thread )
wait_follower_notification(); // done with a condition variable

          // leader thread task
          if( !done )
              has_leader_thread  = true;
              do ev_loop( ONE_SHOT );
while( (!has_pending_requests() || follower_count == 0) && !done )
              has_leader_thread = false;

          // process pending requests in parallel
          while( has_pending_requests() )
process_request(); }

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