
I’ve implemented a support for using libeio from multiple threads for 
tarantool.org. Any interest in this feature?

eio_init() initializes thread local state; a thread gets a private result queue 
+ callbacks. There is the single global request queue + a set of worker 
threads. Once a task is complete it moves into the corresponding result queue. 
Embeding model is essentially the same: eio_poll fetches tasks from the 
thread’s private result queue, registered callbacks are invoked when the result 
queue state changes.

It would be great if you answer several questions about libeio internals.

(1) What is the purpose of workers list? It is never used besides worker 

(2) Why does ALLOC macro lock pool->wrklock?

(3) Several pool attributes seem redundant. For instance, nready is essentially 
req_queue.size and npending==res_queue.size. They aren’t redundant, are they?

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