On Sep 8, 2006, at 12:13 PM, William Ahern wrote:
Ah. I was approaching it from another angle (one thread per event loop, and the question being how to inject events and balance events into each event

Like the first thing I described? Have you actually done this and had any luck with it? I suppose I could give it a go, at least for a simple balancing scheme.

I'd never want to touch the above scheme w/ a ten foot pole, mostly
because one of the greatest benefits I enjoy with event-oriented programming
is the lack of contention (i.e. not having to use a mutex everywhere).

I don't like the idea of losing that either, but there's no getting around having some sort of multiprocessing if you're going to use multiple processors, and recent hardware changes are making it harder to justify not doing so.

There are lots of scenarios where I might have multiple events outstanding, all related to a single context (TCP proxying, for instance). In the above design, I'd have to begin littering mutexes around my code. Relating those oustanding events to a shared event loop implicitly frees me from having to
deal w/ this problem.

Yeah, that's certainly true for my SSL proxy. There'd need to be some sort of grouping of events, and I'm not sure how that should work if a new member is reported while the event is out for delivery. Held until next time, I guess.

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>

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