For those of you who are interested, I'm finishing off a rewrite of the
IOCP code, such that is handles connect()/accept() behaviour.

Which is to say, you init the IOCP state, and all your socket behaviour is
then routed through the callback function, which is simply called when an
accept, connect or read occurs.

You can add listen, to-be-connected or connected sockets to the IOCP.

When a listen socket is added, all the user sees after that is that the
accept callback is called when an incoming connection occurs and then the
recv callback is called whenever a read occurs.  The user does *no* other
work - for example, he can just return from these functions should he

When a to-be-connected socket is added, the user passes in the socket and
the remote address, and then the connect callback is called when the
connect is successful and then after that the read callback every time a
read successfully occurs.

Similarly, with a connected sockets, all that happens is the read callback
is called whenever a read occurs.

So it's basically five functions;


And then all the user sees are the callbacks being called.  There's one
for accept, one for connect, one for recv and one for error.

Typical use I think is to add the listen socket, then in the accept
allocate your own internal state for that connection (you can in the
accept function specify a user state pointer for the accept socket), in
the recv callback deal with the data.

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