On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 06:27:58PM -0800, William Ahern wrote:
> >     event_set(ev, fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, read_cb, obj);
> >     event_add(ev, &timeout);
> > 
> > read_cb() will be called whenever a read event happens, and it's timeout
> > as passed to event_add() will be reset to the original value you passed.
> > You do not have to call event_add() within the handler.
> > 
> >     event_set(ev, -1, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_PERSIST, timer_cb, obj);
> >     event_add(ev, &cycle);
> > 
> > timer_cb() will be called when timeout (as passed via cycle) expires. It
> > will then reschedule itself with it's original timeout, e.g. periodic timer.
> > You do not have to call event_add() within the handler.
> What was the original behavior? Did the timer disappear? If not, I fail to
> see how the new behavior is more justificed than the old; meaning, instead
> of changing it, why not add it as an option? If waiting to read an entire
> line, but you are trickled one byte at a time, do you really want to reset
> the timeout between bytes, or is the timeout meant to limit the time spent
> on reading the line?

The original behaviour with EV_PERSIST was this:

1. Implicitly not delete our event, but do not reschedule the timer.
2. Merrily read/write/signal/etc. on an event and then out of the blue
   receive EV_TIMEOUT because the timeout was never rescheduled unless you
   explicitly did it (which one probably won't inutitively expect with 

We went over this one before though. The issue is that the "attacker crafting
1 byte data to keep connection open for eternity" thing, while valid - I don't
really see how it's a libevent issue. That's an application issue. Otherwise,
with EV_PERSIST, the timeout added to the event no longer plays the role of
a timeout once a single event happens on said event, and the timeout is not
rescheduled manually.

The concept of a timeout being tied to "if we get a single unit of y bytes"
means the timeout is then a sideband module within said event now. However,
receive 1 byte == event occured - and based on - that timeout should no longer
be relevant to the situation that already occured.

The example you bring up of wanting to read y units of bytes in a given time is
still possible without EV_PERSIST, or by using an associated timer event 
not preferred), etc. It's just that the previous example is so much an
exception to the standard idiom of:

wait_until_event_or_timeout(); do_stuff() || delete_myself(); reset_timeout();

With EV_PERSIST as it is, it's only convenient for exceptional cases rather than
the norm - and that's the focus of this patch - to reverse that.


> > For the event_del() changes, it's just moving event_del() into 
> > event_active(),
> > when an event occurs. There is a feature request on sourceforge for this,
> > and this couples nicely with the EV_PERSIST change. It also allows us to
> > rexamine the logic tests within the various event dispatchers themselves, as
> > event_active() will only delete the same event once.
> Will this cause incompatabilities? What if you call event_add() anyhow? Will
> it return failure? This could silently break code. Maybe the user set
> EV_PERSIST, realized it didn't do what he wanted, but never removed it.

event_add() will then reschedule the event based on the timeout you passed to
it. But since it's already implicit with EV_PERSIST, it would just be a
redudant but safe thing to do.

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