On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:46:03PM +0100, James Mansion wrote:
> Nick Mathewson wrote:
> >Good morning, evening, night, or afternoon!
> >
> >The first alpha release in the long-promised Libevent 2.0 series 
> >is finally out.  You can download Libevent 2.0.1-alpha from
> >   http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent-2.0.1-alpha.tar.gz
> >  
> Is there any ambition that this can be built on Win32 at the moment?


With MinGW, it has built all along.

With respect to building it with Visual C, please see my message to
this very list from last Thursday:


You may want to read the rest of the thread too, for context.

There should be a 2.0.2-alpha sometime in the next week or two that
should build better for you.  If anybody wants to try it out before
then to make sure it builds for you, you can as always check it out
from svn with
   "svn checkout 
https://levent.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/levent/trunk/libevent libevent"

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