Hi guys. I'm trying to extract parameters from the url query, but i
can't seem to figure out why i'm getting this error. Here is the code:

        static void httpadmincb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {

                        struct evkeyvalq query;
                        evhttp_parse_query(evhttp_request_get_uri(req), &query);

And the error i'm getting:

error: aggregate ‘evkeyvalq query’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined

I've included <event.h> and <evhttp.h> and <sys/queue.h> and i can't
figure out how to do this. I just want to parse the query string
basically. I've seen other applications (google code search) do the
same thing and they seem to work. So what am I missing?

Here's a pastebin with all of the code in that file

http://frogmod.pastebin.com/iHjHUFjj  (line 482 and below)

And the full compile output:

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