On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Roman Puls <p...@x-fabric.com> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> excellent - it would be even greater to specify a callback procedure
> receiving the struct event tokens (I currently write language bindings for
> tcl, and it would be great to generate the textual representation myself)

Hm. This would probably be a matter of turning
"event_base_foreach_event_()" into a public, supported API.  My main
obstacle for that is that I'm not sure entirely what the documentation
should say about what functions the callback would be allowed to
invoke.  Still, that's not insurmountable if somebody's interested in
writing a patch (targetting 2.1, of course) -- 2.0 doesn't have
event_base_foreach_event_() internally.

> But why I write:
> shouldn't that stuff (event_base_dump_events) be mutex-protected?

It probably should!  A patch would be welcome.

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