Mark  -

do you mean that you *do* use a dedicated "accept()or" thread than passes
newly accepted sockets to one of N worker threads, that then the chosen
worker thread registers the FD with it's own event_base

what I don't want to do


that each worker performs independent accept() - by monitoring the shared
listener FD on its own event_base ?

that's how I do it now and how I would like to continue doing it with

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Mark Ellzey <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 06:22:08PM -0400, Programmist Setevik wrote:
> > 1) "Main" thread  that does something like this, (pseudo code):
> >
> > for ( all configured listen ports)  {
> >  FD = socket()
> >  bind()
> >  set non-block()
> >  listen
> >  add FD to a list
> >
> > }
> >
> > for (configurable # of worker threads) {
> >
> >  ctx = malloc()
> >  ctx->ev_base = setup event_base
> >  add each FD , register it with ctx->ev_base  // mark the FD as
> "listener"
> > FD so we know to acept() on EV_READ
> >  start worker thread, passing it the ctx // so that each thread has its
> own
> > ev_base
> >
> > }
> > ...
> > do whatever, w/o ever touching any of the ev_bases and/or accesing any of
> > the sockets/FD that are registered with
> > ev_bases
> > ...
> This is actually the best way of doing things in libevent IMO. I do the
> same thing in most of my code, it minimizes lock contention, and
> generally makes things easier to debug.
> I use evconnlisteners, where the callback gets the fd, doesn't accept
> the connection, but passes off the fd to a thread. Since each thread
> spawns with its own event_base, use that base to call
> bufferevent_socket_new().
> That accepted socket is now tied to the event_base on that thread.
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