On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 2:53 AM Kyle Schwarz <kschw...@intrepidcs.com> wrote:
> In ftdi.c there are calls to libusb_bulk_transfer(), but they don't check for
> A LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT isn't technically an error and shouldn't
> be handled as such.
> The docs for libusb describe this fairly well, but let me know if more
> information is needed to fix this.

Just wondering what is the real issue here you encountered and you
are trying to fix.

I understand that libusb documentation says the following for
It does say timeout conditions do not indicate a complete lack of I/O. But
I think for the purpose of libftdi there is an issue in the end and the I/O
may still be incomplete or there are other errors.

Also check transferred when dealing with a timeout error code. libusb
may have to
split your transfer into a number of chunks to satisfy underlying O/S
meaning that the timeout may expire after the first few chunks have completed.
libusb is careful not to lose any data that may have been transferred; do not
assume that timeout conditions indicate a complete lack of I/O.


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