On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 10:13:35AM +0200, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
> The problem with running after the PnP is that user will be prompted
> for installation of virtio-net and virtio-balloon drivers... which
> doesn't make sense as we are going to install them automatically
> anyway.
> Some versions of windows (2008 IIRC) are explicitly waiting for user
> input in the PnP wizard: the best it not to show the PnP dialogs for
> the virtio devices to the user at all.

I tend to agree that not prompting the user here provides better user
experience; however I don't feel like this is a major issue.

Regardless of the severity of the problem, the solution you propose --
disabling the prompts for specific device instance IDs -- is IMO way too
unreliable and PnP manager will still want to interact in a number of
common cases:

- if the devices get enumerated differently and Windows assigns
  different instance IDs to them

- if there's more than one device of any kind

- if there are new devices beyond those you handle (e.g. virtio-serial)

I think this would be better addressed if you could disable PnP manager
prompts globally during v2v, and reset it back in a firstboot script
after your installer had been run.


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