This function will allow more OCaml-ish processing of XPath queries
with multiple results.
 mllib/  | 9 +++++++++
 mllib/xpath_helpers.mli | 4 ++++
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mllib/ b/mllib/
index 8648596a4..c0f4a7315 100644
--- a/mllib/
+++ b/mllib/
@@ -53,3 +53,12 @@ let xpath_eval_default parsefn xpath expr default =
 let xpath_string_default = xpath_eval_default identity
 let xpath_int_default = xpath_eval_default int_of_string
 let xpath_int64_default = xpath_eval_default Int64.of_string
+let xpath_get_nodes xpathctx expr =
+  let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
+  let nodes = ref [] in
+  for i = 0 to Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj - 1 do
+    let node = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
+    push_back nodes node
+  done;
+  !nodes
diff --git a/mllib/xpath_helpers.mli b/mllib/xpath_helpers.mli
index 7434ba645..83c770281 100644
--- a/mllib/xpath_helpers.mli
+++ b/mllib/xpath_helpers.mli
@@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ val xpath_int_default : Xml.xpathctx -> string -> int -> int
 val xpath_int64_default : Xml.xpathctx -> string -> int64 -> int64
 (** Parse an xpath expression and return a string/int; if the expression
     doesn't match, return the default. *)
+val xpath_get_nodes : Xml.xpathctx -> string -> Xml.node list
+(** Parse an XPath expression and return a list with the matching
+    XML nodes. *)

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