It should not be error to use virtio-win ISO that does not have Linux
packages of QEMU Guest Agent. Only oVirt/RHV guest tools ISO has such
packages now. Regular virtio-win ISO does not have them and maybe never

Signed-off-by: Tomáš Golembiovský <>
 v2v/ | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 0b9bdfff3..9972e8c88 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ and install_linux_tools g inspect =
       let dst_path = "/var/tmp" in
       debug "locating packages in %s" src_path;
       let packages = copy_from_virtio_win g inspect src_path dst_path
-        (fun _ _ -> true) in
+        (fun _ _ -> true) true in
       debug "done copying %d files" (List.length packages);
       let packages = ((//) dst_path) packages in
@@ -286,36 +286,49 @@ and ddb_regedits inspect drv_name drv_pciid =
  * been copied.
 and copy_drivers g inspect driverdir =
-  [] <> copy_from_virtio_win g inspect "/" driverdir 
+  [] <> copy_from_virtio_win g inspect "/" driverdir
+    virtio_iso_path_matches_guest_os false
 (* Copy all files from virtio_win directory/ISO located in [srcdir]
  * subdirectory and all its subdirectories to the [destdir]. The directory
  * hierarchy is not preserved, meaning all files will be directly in [destdir].
  * The file list is filtered based on [filter] function.
+ * If [ok_if_missing] is true only warn when [srcdir] is missing, fail with an
+ * error if false.
+ *
  * Returns list of copied files.
-and copy_from_virtio_win g inspect srcdir destdir filter =
+and copy_from_virtio_win g inspect srcdir destdir filter ok_if_missing =
   let ret = ref [] in
   if is_directory virtio_win then (
     let dir = virtio_win // srcdir in
     debug "windows: copy_from_virtio_win: guest tools source directory %s" dir;
-    let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && find -L -type f" (quote dir) in
-    let paths = external_command cmd in
-    List.iter (
-      fun path ->
-        if filter path inspect then (
-          let source = dir // path in
-          let target_name = String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename path) in
-          let target = destdir // target_name in
-          debug "windows: copying guest tools bits: 'host:%s' -> '%s'"
-                source target;
-          g#write target (read_whole_file source);
-          List.push_front target_name ret
-        )
-      ) paths
+    if not (is_directory srcdir) then (
+      let msg = f_"cannot locate directory '%s' in virtio-win directory" in
+      if ok_if_missing then (
+        warning msg srcdir;
+      )
+      else
+        error msg srcdir
+    ) else (
+      let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && find -L -type f" (quote dir) in
+      let paths = external_command cmd in
+      List.iter (
+        fun path ->
+          if filter path inspect then (
+            let source = dir // path in
+            let target_name = String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename path) 
+            let target = destdir // target_name in
+            debug "windows: copying guest tools bits: 'host:%s' -> '%s'"
+                  source target;
+            g#write target (read_whole_file source);
+            List.push_front target_name ret
+          )
+        ) paths
+    )
   else if is_regular_file virtio_win then (
     debug "windows: copy_from_virtio_win: guest tools source ISO %s" 
@@ -327,21 +340,30 @@ and copy_from_virtio_win g inspect srcdir destdir filter =
       let vio_root = "/" in
       g2#mount_ro "/dev/sda" vio_root;
       let srcdir = vio_root ^ "/" ^ srcdir in
-      let paths = g2#find srcdir in
-      Array.iter (
-        fun path ->
-          let source = srcdir ^ "/" ^ path in
-          if g2#is_file source ~followsymlinks:false &&
-               filter path inspect then (
-            let target_name = String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename path) 
-            let target = destdir ^ "/" ^ target_name in
-            debug "windows: copying guest tools bits: '%s:%s' -> '%s'"
-                  virtio_win path target;
-            g#write target (g2#read_file source);
-            List.push_front target_name ret
-          )
-        ) paths;
+      if not (g2#is_dir srcdir) then (
+        let msg = f_"cannot locate directory '%s' in virtio-win ISO" in
+        if ok_if_missing then
+          warning msg srcdir
+        else
+          error msg srcdir
+      )
+      else (
+        let paths = g2#find srcdir in
+        Array.iter (
+          fun path ->
+            let source = srcdir ^ "/" ^ path in
+            if g2#is_file source ~followsymlinks:false &&
+                filter path inspect then (
+              let target_name = String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename 
path) in
+              let target = destdir ^ "/" ^ target_name in
+              debug "windows: copying guest tools bits: '%s:%s' -> '%s'"
+                    virtio_win path target;
+              g#write target (g2#read_file source);
+              List.push_front target_name ret
+            )
+          ) paths;
+      );
     with Guestfs.Error msg ->
       error (f_"%s: cannot open virtio-win ISO file: %s") virtio_win msg

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