Initially this is a like-for-like replacement, but in future commits
this will allow us to implement:

 - password authentication (instead of SSH agent)

 - bandwidth throttling

 - readahead

Note this requires nbdkit >= 1.12.
 docs/guestfs-building.pod    |  5 +++-
 v2v/ | 48 +++++++++---------------------------
 v2v/                |  4 +--
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/guestfs-building.pod b/docs/guestfs-building.pod
index 441fe0937..96a301a91 100644
--- a/docs/guestfs-building.pod
+++ b/docs/guestfs-building.pod
@@ -268,10 +268,13 @@ Optional.  Used only for testing.
 =item qemu-nbd
-=item nbdkit
+=item nbdkit E<ge> 1.12
 Optional.  qemu-nbd is used for testing.
+L<virt-v2v(1)> requires nbdkit E<ge> 1.12 for various input and output
 =item uml_mkcow
 Optional.  For the L<UML backend|guestfs(3)/BACKEND>.
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index ab6d933bc..9a941d070 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -45,18 +45,15 @@ object (self)
     let source, disks, _ = parse_libvirt_domain self#conn guest in
+    let port =
+      match parsed_uri.uri_port with
+      | 0 | 22 -> None
+      | i -> Some (string_of_int i) in
+    let user = parsed_uri.uri_user in
     (* Map the <source/> filename (which is relative to the remote
-     * Xen server) to an ssh URI.  This is a JSON URI looking something
-     * like this:
-     *
-     * json: {
-     *   "file.driver": "ssh",
-     *   "file.user": "username",
-     *   "": "xen-host",
-     *   "file.port": 1022,
-     *   "file.path": <remote-path>,
-     *   "file.host_key_check": "no"
-     * }
+     * Xen server) to an ssh URI pointing to nbdkit.
     let disks = (
@@ -64,32 +61,9 @@ object (self)
       | { p_source_disk = disk; p_source = P_source_dev path }
       | { p_source_disk = disk; p_source = P_source_file path } ->
-        (* Construct the JSON parameters. *)
-        let json_params = [
-          "file.driver", JSON.String "ssh";
-          "file.path", JSON.String path;
-          "", JSON.String server;
-          "file.host_key_check", JSON.String "no";
-        ] in
-        let json_params =
-          match parsed_uri.uri_port with
-          | 0 | 22 -> json_params
-          (* qemu will actually assert-fail if you send the port
-           * number as a string ...
-           *)
-          | i -> ("file.port", JSON.Int (Int64.of_int i)) :: json_params in
-        let json_params =
-          match parsed_uri.uri_user with
-          | None -> json_params
-          | Some user -> ("file.user", JSON.String user) :: json_params in
-        debug "ssh: json parameters: %s" (JSON.string_of_doc json_params);
-        (* Turn the JSON parameters into a 'json:' protocol string. *)
-        let qemu_uri = "json: " ^ JSON.string_of_doc json_params in
+         let nbdkit = Nbdkit.create_ssh ~password:NoPassword
+                                        ?port ~server ?user path in
+         let qemu_uri = nbdkit in
         { disk with s_qemu_uri = qemu_uri }
     ) disks in
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 44fe0e8e7..d21c862b3 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ open Unix_utils
 open Utils
-let nbdkit_min_version = (1, 2)
-let nbdkit_min_version_string = "1.2"
+let nbdkit_min_version = (1, 12)
+let nbdkit_min_version_string = "1.12"
 type password =
 | NoPassword                    (* no password option at all *)

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