On Tuesday, 7 April 2020 14:18:47 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 01:25:02PM +0200, Pino Toscano wrote:
> > The important thing is still that that you need to have space for the
> > temporary files somewhere: be it /var/tmp, /mnt/scratch, whatever.
> > Because of this, and the fact that usually containers are created
> > fresh, the cache of the supermin appliance starts to make little sense,
> > and then a very simple solution is to point libguestfs to that extra
> > space:
> > 
> >   $ dir=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d /path/to/big/temporary/space/libguestfs.XXXXXX)
> >   $ export LIBGUESTGS_CACHEDIR=$dir
> >   $ export TMPDIR=$dir  # optionally
> >   $ libguestfs-test-tool
> >   [etc]
> >   $ rm -rf $dir
> > 
> > Easy to use, already doable, solves all the issues.
> So AIUI there are a few problems with this (although I'm still
> investigating and trying to make a local reproducer):
>  - The external large space may be on NFS, with the usual problems
>    there like root_squash, no SELinux labels, slowness.  This means
>    it's not suitable for the appliance, but might nevertheless be
>    suitable for overlay files.

If that is the only big storage space attached to a container, I do
not see any alternative than use it, with all the caveats associated.

Also, if we take as possible scenario the situation where /var/tmp is
not that big, then we need to consider that may not be big enough to
even store the cached supermin appliance (which is more than

>  - The external large space may be shared with other containers, and
>    I'm not convinced that our locking in supermin will be safe if
>    multiple parallel instances start up at the same time.  We
>    certainly never tested it, and don't currently advise it.

That's why my suggestion above creates a specific temporary directory
for each container: even with a shared /var/tmp, there will not be any
cache stepping up on each other toes. This is something that this
separate cachedir for virt-v2v does not solve at all.

> > This whole problem started from a QE report on leftover files after
> > failed migrations: bz#1820282.
> (I should note also there are two bugs which I personally think we can
> solve with the same fix, but they are completely different bugs.)

I still do not understand how these changes have anything to do with
bug 1814611, which in an offline discussion we found out that has
mostly two causes:
- the way the NFS storage is mounted over the /var/tmp in the
  container, so what you create as root is not really with the UID/GID
- the fixed appliance in the container was not actually used, and thus
  a rebuilt of the the supermin appliance was attempted, failing due
  to the first issue

Can you please explain me exactly how switching the location of
temporary files (that were not mentioned in the bug at all) will fix
this situation?

> > What this report doesn't say, however,
> > is that beside the mentioned files that virt-v2v creates, there are
> > also leftover files that libguestfs itself creates. These files are
> > usually downloaded from the guest for the inspection, and generally not
> > that big compared to e.g. the overlays that virt-v2v creates.
> > Nonetheless, an abrupt exit of virt-v2v will leave those in place, and
> > they will still slowly fill up the space on /var/tmp (or whatever is
> > the location of $LIBGUESTFS_CACHEDIR).
> I guess that small files being left around aren't really a problem.
> The problem they have is large files being left around, and I can
> understand why that would be an issue and not the small files.

Nobody is saying that the leftover files are not a problem. I'm saying
that also the small files are a sort of problem -- sure, less critical,
however still there and ready to show up any time, especially if the
concern is the space of /var/tmp.

Pino Toscano

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