On 02/14/22 10:56, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> This change slowed things down (slightly) for me, although the change
> is within the margin of error so it probably made no difference.
> Before:
> $ time ./run virt-v2v -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-35.qcow2 -o rhv-upload -oc 
> https://ovirt4410/ovirt-engine/api -op /tmp/ovirt-passwd -oo rhv-direct -os 
> ovirt-data -on test14 -of raw
> [   0.0] Setting up the source: -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-35.qcow2
> [   1.0] Opening the source
> [   6.5] Inspecting the source
> [  10.5] Checking for sufficient free disk space in the guest
> [  10.5] Converting Fedora Linux 35 (Thirty Five) to run on KVM
> virt-v2v: warning: /files/boot/grub2/device.map/hd0 references unknown 
> device "vda".  You may have to fix this entry manually after conversion.
> virt-v2v: This guest has virtio drivers installed.
> [  57.0] Mapping filesystem data to avoid copying unused and blank areas
> [  59.0] Closing the overlay
> [  59.6] Assigning disks to buses
> [  59.6] Checking if the guest needs BIOS or UEFI to boot
> [  59.6] Setting up the destination: -o rhv-upload -oc 
> https://ovirt4410/ovirt-engine/api -os ovirt-data
> [  79.3] Copying disk 1/1
> █ 100% [****************************************]
> [  89.9] Creating output metadata
> [  94.0] Finishing off
> real   1m34.213s
> user   0m6.585s
> sys    0m11.880s
> After:
> $ time ./run virt-v2v -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-35.qcow2 -o rhv-upload -oc 
> https://ovirt4410/ovirt-engine/api -op /tmp/ovirt-passwd -oo rhv-direct -os 
> ovirt-data -on test15 -of raw
> [   0.0] Setting up the source: -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-35.qcow2
> [   1.0] Opening the source
> [   7.4] Inspecting the source
> [  11.7] Checking for sufficient free disk space in the guest
> [  11.7] Converting Fedora Linux 35 (Thirty Five) to run on KVM
> virt-v2v: warning: /files/boot/grub2/device.map/hd0 references unknown 
> device "vda".  You may have to fix this entry manually after conversion.
> virt-v2v: This guest has virtio drivers installed.
> [  59.6] Mapping filesystem data to avoid copying unused and blank areas
> [  61.5] Closing the overlay
> [  62.2] Assigning disks to buses
> [  62.2] Checking if the guest needs BIOS or UEFI to boot
> [  62.2] Setting up the destination: -o rhv-upload -oc 
> https://ovirt4410/ovirt-engine/api -os ovirt-data
> [  81.6] Copying disk 1/1
> █ 100% [****************************************]
> [  91.3] Creating output metadata
> [  96.0] Finishing off
> real   1m36.275s
> user   0m4.700s
> sys    0m14.070s

My ACK on Nir's v2 patch basically means that I defer to you on its
review -- I don't have anything against it, but I understand it's
(perhaps a temporary) workaround until we find a more sustainable (and
likely much more complex) solution.


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