For closures with cbcount = CBOnce, FnOnce will be used instead of
FnMut. Moreover, closures in synchronous commands with
cblifetime = CBCommand will not need to live for the static lifetime.
See [here]( for more
information about the advantages of using `FnOnce` when possible.
 generator/  | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 rust/src/ |  2 ++
 rust/src/  |  2 ++
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
index 88434c3..cd31b60 100644
--- a/generator/
+++ b/generator/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let rust_cbarg_name : cbarg -> string = function
   | CBArrayAndLen (arg, _) | CBMutable arg -> rust_arg_name arg
 (* Get the Rust type for an argument. *)
-let rec rust_arg_type : arg -> string = function
+let rec rust_arg_type ?(async_kind = None) : arg -> string = function
   | Bool _ -> "bool"
   | Int _ -> "c_int"
   | UInt _ -> "c_uint"
@@ -131,15 +131,18 @@ let rec rust_arg_type : arg -> string = function
   | BytesOut _ -> "&mut [u8]"
   | BytesPersistIn _ -> "&'static [u8]"
   | BytesPersistOut _ -> "&'static mut [u8]"
-  | Closure { cbargs } -> "impl " ^ rust_closure_trait cbargs
+  | Closure { cbargs; cbcount } -> (
+      match async_kind with
+      | Some _ -> "impl " ^ rust_closure_trait cbargs cbcount
+      | None -> "impl " ^ rust_closure_trait cbargs cbcount ~lifetime:None)
 (* Get the Rust closure trait for a callback, That is `Fn*(...) -> ...)`. *)
-and rust_closure_trait ?(lifetime = Some "'static") cbargs : string =
+and rust_closure_trait ?(lifetime = Some "'static") cbargs cbcount : string =
   let rust_cbargs = String.concat ", " ( rust_cbarg_type cbargs)
-  and lifetime_constraint =
-    match lifetime with None -> "" | Some x -> " + " ^ x
-  in
-  "FnMut(" ^ rust_cbargs ^ ") -> c_int + Send + Sync" ^ lifetime_constraint
+  and closure_type =
+    match cbcount with CBOnce -> "FnOnce" | CBMany -> "FnMut"
+  and lifetime = match lifetime with None -> "" | Some x -> " + " ^ x in
+  sprintf "%s(%s) -> c_int + Send + Sync%s" closure_type rust_cbargs lifetime
 (* Get the Rust type for a callback argument. *)
 and rust_cbarg_type : cbarg -> string = function
@@ -153,8 +156,8 @@ and rust_cbarg_type : cbarg -> string = function
   | CBMutable arg -> "&mut " ^ rust_arg_type arg
 (* Get the type of a rust optional argument. *)
-let rust_optarg_type : optarg -> string = function
-  | OClosure x -> sprintf "Option<%s>" (rust_arg_type (Closure x))
+let rust_optarg_type ?(async_kind = None) : optarg -> string = function
+  | OClosure x -> sprintf "Option<%s>" (rust_arg_type (Closure x) ~async_kind)
   | OFlags (name, flags, _) ->
       sprintf "Option<%s>" (rust_arg_type (Flags (name, flags)))
@@ -419,8 +422,8 @@ let ffi_ret_to_rust call =
    closure data, and a free function for the closure data. This struct is what
    will be sent to a C function taking the closure as an argument. In fact,
    the struct itself is generated by rust-bindgen. *)
-let print_rust_closure_to_raw_fn { cbname; cbargs } =
-  let closure_trait = rust_closure_trait cbargs ~lifetime:None in
+let print_rust_closure_to_raw_fn { cbname; cbargs; cbcount } =
+  let closure_trait = rust_closure_trait cbargs cbcount ~lifetime:None in
   let ffi_cbargs_names = List.flatten ( ffi_cbarg_names cbargs) in
   let ffi_cbargs_types = List.flatten ( ffi_cbarg_types cbargs) in
   let rust_cbargs_names = rust_cbarg_name cbargs in
@@ -435,16 +438,24 @@ let print_rust_closure_to_raw_fn { cbname; cbargs } =
        (List.map2 (sprintf "%s: %s") ffi_cbargs_names ffi_cbargs_types));
   pr "      where F: %s\n" closure_trait;
   pr "    {\n";
-  pr "        let callback_ptr = data as *mut F;\n";
-  pr "        let callback = &mut *callback_ptr;\n";
+  (match cbcount with
+  | CBMany ->
+      pr "        let callback_ptr = data as *mut F;\n";
+      pr "        let callback = &mut *callback_ptr;\n"
+  | CBOnce ->
+      pr "        let callback_ptr = data as *mut Option<F>;\n";
+      pr "        let callback_option: &mut Option<F> = &mut *callback_ptr;\n";
+      pr "        let callback: F = callback_option.take().unwrap();\n");
   List.iter ffi_cbargs_to_rust cbargs;
   pr "        callback(%s)\n" (String.concat ", " rust_cbargs_names);
   pr "    }\n";
-  pr "    let callback_data = Box::into_raw(Box::new(f));\n";
+  pr "    let callback_data = Box::into_raw(Box::new(%s));\n"
+    (match cbcount with CBMany -> "f" | CBOnce -> "Some(f)");
   pr "    sys::nbd_%s_callback {\n" cbname;
   pr "        callback: Some(call_closure::<F>),\n";
   pr "        user_data: callback_data as *mut _,\n";
-  pr "        free: Some(utils::drop_data::<F>),\n";
+  pr "        free: Some(utils::drop_data::<%s>),\n"
+    (match cbcount with CBMany -> "F" | CBOnce -> "Option<F>");
   pr "    }\n";
   pr "}\n";
   pr "\n"
@@ -501,7 +512,8 @@ let print_rust_handle_method (name, call) =
   let rust_args_names = rust_arg_name call.args @ rust_optarg_name call.optargs
   and rust_args_types =
- rust_arg_type call.args @ rust_optarg_type call.optargs
+ (rust_arg_type ~async_kind:call.async_kind) call.args
+    @ (rust_optarg_type ~async_kind:call.async_kind) call.optargs
   let rust_args =
     String.concat ", "
diff --git a/rust/src/ b/rust/src/
index eecc593..615bbbf 100644
--- a/rust/src/
+++ b/rust/src/
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ impl Handle {
         if handle.is_null() {
             Err(unsafe { Error::Fatal(ErrorKind::get_error().into()) })
         } else {
+            // Set a debug callback communicating with any logging
+            // implementation as defined by the log crate.
             let mut nbd = Handle { handle };
             #[cfg(feature = "log")]
diff --git a/rust/src/ b/rust/src/
index eb2df06..af62140 100644
--- a/rust/src/
+++ b/rust/src/
@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@
 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+/// A cookie is a 64 bit integer returned by some aio_* methods on
+/// [crate::Handle] used to identify a running command.
 pub struct Cookie(pub(crate) u64);

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