On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 17:52:34 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in small part:
> >When third parties get even 5% of the vote their agenda gets shoved
> >into the big two parties agenda.
> Yes, but...
> (1) That's not necessarily "because".  Often (as in the Socialist Party and
> possibly the Perot case) it's because the same issues that gave rise to a
> 3rd party was also manifest by other means.

There are many issues that have signifigant representation in the
people that are quite simply ignored by the 2 major parties UNTIL the
3rd party forces it to be recognized.  The other factors may have a
role in influencing the partys final stance, but the decision to make
or change their stance is a result of the third party forcing the
> (2) The Libertarian Party has never been close to a consistent 5%, and it's
> had decades to do it, while the Socialist Party and Perot got there in less
> time.

My understanding is that the socialist was around for about 30 years
before making it big.


> Lowell wrote:
> >> Republicans really got burned on the government shutdown.
> Right, because of the left-statist partisanship of the 4th Estate.  The
> media painted the Republicans as the evil obstructionists both when Reagan
> shut down fedgov by veto and when the latter-1990s Congress did it by not
> legislating $.
> There's an argument here that libertarian activists should go into
> journalism as much as, or more than, politics.
> In Your Sly Tribe,
> Robert
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